Renovation Update

Author: Pastor Mitch
August 01, 2019

I trust your summer season has been filled with fun in the sun, vacation experiences, extra time with family and friends, as well as catching up on those “to-do’s” around your home. This summer has also been a busy time for your church as well. As you know, the sanctuary renovation is well underway. The progress continues daily to renovate and completely update our place of worship. The sanctuary has been emptied of the 30-plus-year-old carpet and pews. The brick walls have been faux painted. The light fixtures have been taken down, with replacement chandeliers to be installed shortly. New double-pane windows are on their way, to be installed in the coming few weeks. New carpet for the sanctuary and laminate flooring for the lobby are scheduled for installation soon. The new staging and baptistry remodel is wrapping up by next week. The pews will be delivered and installed last of all.

Many are asking, when will our newly renovated sanctuary be ready? The answer: Sabbath, August 24. Mark your calendar! That Sabbath will be an extra-special worship service as we not only dedicate the new sanctuary and celebrate what God has done but also witness two baptisms – Apollo Jayme and Alohi Cautiverio!

Please continue to keep the church renovation in your prayers! And may we also daily ask the Lord to renovate our hearts for Him! See you on Sabbath!
