Reopening Church

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
August 13, 2020

Last week, you were invited to take a survey asking if you would be willing to attend church if it were held outdoors. You responded with a clear majority in favor of reopening. Last night, your Executive Finance Committee met and voted to officially reopen The Hill, beginning September 12!

Outdoor church will give us an exciting opportunity to physically come together and worship as one body of believers, something we haven’t done since March 14.

Our Safety and Health Committee has drafted a comprehensive church reopening plan that has been submitted and approved by the Northern California Conference. Contra Costa County will permit up to 120 to gather outdoors. If you wish to view the plan, please click this link: Outdoor Church Reopening Plan

For those who choose to attend outdoor church, we ask that you register ahead of time and do the following:

Wear a mask
Social distance 6 feet
Maintain close proximity with your children

We also recognize that many of our members fall into the at-risk category when it comes to COVID-19. Therefore, we urge those members to stay at home and continue to watch our services as they are lived-streamed each Sabbath.

Let me conclude by saying thank you for your patient endurance through this unprecedented pandemic. Your faithfulness in supporting one another, tuning in online week after week, financial contributions, and most importantly your prayers, have kept our church strong, despite these chaotic times. Your faith in Jesus has been seen and we as your pastors have been inspired!

On behalf of your pastors and ministry leaders, we miss seeing your faces, looking into your eyes, and making the connections we once took for granted each Sabbath. We miss praising our Lord together, praying together, and greeting new visitors and guests. We miss physically coming together in the name of Jesus! But now we eagerly look forward to seeing at least a portion of you in September as we worship our Savior.

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20
