His Name is Ravi

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
May 21, 2020

When Ravi Zacharias was a young boy on the streets of India, his mother called him in to meet the local palm reader. “Looking at your future, Ravi, you will not travel far or very much in your life,” he declared. “That’s what the lines on your hand tell me. There is no future for you abroad.”

As a young man he was an atheist. One day, he decided to end it all, but his suicide attempt failed. While recovering in a Delhi hospital at the age of 17, he read the words of Jesus recorded in the Bible: “Because I live, you will also live.” In response, Ravi surrendered his life to Christ and offered up a prayer that if he emerged from the hospital, he would leave no stone unturned in his pursuit of truth. Once Ravi found the truth of the gospel, his passion for sharing Jesus burned bright until the very end.

Earlier this week, the world lost to cancer one of the great defenders of the faith. As a Christian Apologist, Ravi Zacharias wrote many books including Can Man Live Without God?and one of my favorite apologetics called Jesus Among Other Gods.

At the invitation of Billy Graham, Ravi was invited to speak at a conference in Amsterdam in 1983 and became the champion of “Christianity’s intellectual credibility.” Later, he founded Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), with the mission of “helping the thinker believe and the believer think.”

Ravi preached Jesus, wrote about Jesus, and his life was all about Jesus, even to the very end. As he lay dying in the hospital he talked about Jesus even to the nurses. The palm reader was so very wrong. Ravi had more than a future abroad; his life was much more than leaving India, but all about bringing people to the Way, the Truth and the Life.

May the life of Ravi inspire you and me to be witnesses for Jesus every day of our lives.
