Great Disappointment

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
October 22, 2020

Hasn’t 2020 been a great disappointment? Vacation plans cancelled. School life scuttled. Work life turned upside down. Social isolation. Loneliness. Fear. Confusion. The hopes we had in January for a wonderful new year and decade have been marred by the many unprecedented, dreadful events of 2020.

History tells us that 1844 turned out to be another year of great disappointment (at least, for earnest Christians.) In that year, and specifically Tuesday, October 22, the expectation was that Jesus would be coming a second time. The preaching of William Miller had brought thousands to believe that Bible prophecy was pointing to the definitive return of Jesus on that particular date.

Believing Jesus' return was imminent and certain, many refrained from planting crops in the spring and preparing for the cold of winter. Jesus did not come and it turned out to be a great disappointment, to put it lightly. No doubt a greater letdown than what we are feeling this year.

But the good news is that the Lord takes our greatest disappointments and turns them into opportunities to grow. When Joseph was disappointed in being sold into slavery, the Lord had plans to make him like a Pharaoh. When the fleeing Children of Israel were disappointed that they were trapped by Pharaoh’s army, the Lord parted the Red Sea. When the disciples were disappointed that Jesus had died, He visited them on the third day in the Upper Room.

In 1844, many Christians would later realize the disappointment of not seeing Jesus was an appointment to let the world know that we were now living in the judgment hour. Today, Jesus is getting ready to return with His judgments in hand.

Today is October 22. What is your great disappointment? Give it to Jesus because it is very likely He has something very special in store for you. Remember, His plans will always be more beautiful and greater than all your disappointments.

But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
