Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
May 06, 2021

Earlier this week I received the phone call that none of us like to receive. A good friend had died. She had been fighting stage 4 cancer for four long years. Although she had initially been given only 6 months to live, her will to live, coupled with her faith in Jesus, extended her life.

Many of you remember when Kim Hill came to our church a few years ago and shared her powerful testimony. She described her journey in the valley of the shadow of death and how Jesus had given her strength despite her diagnosis. Though she had grown up in a home without church and without any knowledge of the Bible, later in her life Kim became best of friends with Jesus Christ.

Here’s her testimony given at The Hill: When Life is Hard, God is Good

This week I will be headed to Colorado to honor her inspirational life. Please pray that those who attend her funeral will be drawn especially closer to Christ! Jesus is coming soon!

This Sabbath, Gene Valdez, our Head Elder, will be our speaker continuing our sermon series entitled: Why Church?

We look forward to the day when sickness and sadness, pandemic and death are no more. What a glorious day that will be!
