Incredible Stories!

Incredible Stories!

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
June 02, 2022

Sometimes, when we read the Bible, it can feel like those kinds of miracle stories just don't happen in 2022. Yet I’m here to tell you, this Sabbath we have three individuals that are proof positive, God still does perform Bible-sized miracles in our time.

The first story to be shared will be from an individual who seemed to have everything in life, yet inside he felt he had nothing. It’s a story of person whose identity was in lock step with his worldly successes, yet he knew something was really missing deep inside his heart. Bret Bechtold will share how the Lord brought him from the beach, to the bottle, to the bottom, to the baptistry. You won’t want to miss his testimony and be witness to his baptism!

The second and third stories will be shared by a mother and son, who faced a life and death struggle together. As it turns out, the imminent death of the son ultimately produced a spiritual resurrection. Only Jesus could author this story! Many of you may remember praying for Samuel D’Autruche as he lay in his hospital bed in Loma Linda, California, while his mother Magdala was prayerfully at his side during the darkest hour. You will be so blessed to hear this incredible testimony!

And please be sure to bring a dish to share as we celebrate a special potluck lunch this Sabbath after church!
