Time to Give

Time to Give

Author: Mitch Williams
December 13, 2018

Now that we are less than two weeks until Christmas Day, the shopping madness is in full swing. Perhaps some of you are just wrapping it up (excuse the pun) or some are just getting started (like me!). Make your list and check it twice because time is running out.

And as we wind down the year, I humbly ask that you also consider giving a gift to your church. Here are three important ways to give:

Church Family Budget – Our church cannot function without your faithful offerings to the budget. Year-to-date, we are approximately $30,000 short of our 2018 budget. Please give what you can to help put our year in the black.

Sanctuary Renovation Pledge Drive – This year, over $200,000 was pledged to help fund the church sanctuary remodel. If you haven’t done so already, please fulfill your pledge as soon as you can. The renovation will commence next year after a final business meeting.

Gift Cards for Paradise Families – Consider giving a gift card to be provided to the victims who have lost their homes and possessions due to the recent fires in the Paradise area. Gifts cards will be collected in the offering plate this Sabbath.

As we reflect upon the greatest Gift who came to this earth 2000 years ago, may we share His overflow with our family, friends, victims, and church, as the Lord moves our hearts. Thank you for your faithfulness in financially supporting the cause of Christ in Pleasant Hill!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son . . . John 3:16


Pastor Mitch 

