The Power of Connection

The Power of Connection

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
January 28, 2023

Last Sabbath we examined the book of Acts and rediscovered one of the secrets of the first-century Christian church! We saw that the first church was connected! They were first connected with the Holy Spirit and then they were connected with one another! The way they grew closer was through small groups meeting periodically in homes. 

During the sermon, we made an appeal for you to personally experience the power of a New Testament Small Group. Many of you responded with an interest to join a group. We will be forming new groups in the coming weeks and launching them soon thereafter. If you have an interest in being a part of a small group, or even hosting one, please email me by clicking here: Small Groups

This Sabbath we are very excited to have two daughters of God, Stacey Govan and Emily Ducan, be baptized! Please come and witness their testimonies and watch them be born again!

"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." (John 3:5)
