Taking Precautions

Taking Precautions

Author: Mitch Williams
March 05, 2020

As Christians, troubling times are opportunities to support each other as we exercise our faith. There is much nervousness around the Coronavirus right now. Some people are taking drastic steps like buying face masks and stockpiling all kinds of products. But some simple common sense will likely do more to help keep you and our church community healthy.

If you are sick, please stay home! Being sick and going to church is not being thoughtful of others. Remember the Golden Rule as stated by Jesus. While we all want to worship and fellowship at church on Sabbath, please put the health needs of others first.

Here are some tips to contribute to a healthy church:

Wash your hands! I try to wash my hands before I leave church and between Sabbath School and church. Sing “Happy Birthday" as you wash your hands to ensure you wash for a proper length of time.

Gel is swell. Have hand sanitizer available to use. Or, look for the sanitizer in the church lobby.

While much is still unknown about Coronavirus/Covid-19, it appears to be more susceptible to hand sanitizer than some other viruses. Hand sanitizer or hand washing: which is better against coronavirus?

Shake it off. Shaking hands is a wonderful germ/virus spreader. It may be worth taking the precaution of sparing shaking hands in our congregation until we get past this episode.

Avoid The Thinker pose. Don't touch your face since the virus can enter the eyes, mouth and nose. For some of us, this is a hard one, but combined with regular hand hygiene, this can help combat the spread. No hand-coughing. Cough into your inner elbow.

At this time there is no NCC recommendation to cancel church, potlucks, or meetings.

Let’s pray the Lord continues to protect our church community as we take these sensible, proactive steps. A special thanks to Jim Lorenz, NCC Ministerial Director, for his contributions to this article. See you this Sabbath!

