Brain Guru

Brain Guru

Author: Pastor Mitch
October 31, 2019

What has been called the first computer, only weighs 3 lbs., and is the most complex organ in the human body? That’s right, the brain.

This Sabbath, November 2, we host a guest speaker, Arlene Taylor, PhD, who will captivate our attention with the topic of the brain. Considered to be a brain guru, Dr. Taylor frequently speaks around the world and is an authority on brain function.

Dr. Taylor will give four presentations and their titles are as follows:
10:00 AM – How Differently Male & Female Brains React to Stressors
11:15 AM – The Physiology of Forgiveness and it’s Link with Health
1:00 PM – Potluck Lunch
2:15 PM – The Power of Sleep
3:15 PM – How Dehydration is Linked with Dementia

The only connection point between God and us is our brain. Therefore, it makes sense we have a clear understanding of the brain and how best to care for it.

I hope you not only plan to attend, but bring a friend. I promise your mind will be enriched and renewed.

Be transformed by the renewal of your mind . . . Romans 12:2

