Autumn Colors

Autumn Colors

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
September 21, 2023

The official first day of fall arrives this Sabbath. The signs of autumn are beginning to show, with the leaves turning and the evenings cooling. How wonderful it is to see God’s handiwork in the changing seasons.

This Sabbath, we resume our series entitled: Lessons from the Seven Churches. We will look at the church in Thyatira, in modern-day Turkey, where the Lord communicated some of His most troubling observations and serious warnings. Indeed, this is a message just as relevant for us today.

On Sabbath afternoon at 4 PM, we hold a memorial service for Malek Sheen, 27, who was baptized on June 17 but unexpectedly died this summer. We take comfort in the fact that Malek will awaken at the second coming of Jesus when he will be reunited with family and friends and face to face with His Savior.

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. -John 11:25

Pastor Mitch


