Bethlehem Birth!

Bethlehem Birth!

Author: Mitch Williams
December 14, 2023

I’ll will never forget the first time I had the privilege of visiting Bethlehem. My wife and I were there together. As we entered the ancient town, we eagerly anticipated seeing the most famous little village in all of the world. 

Upon arrival, our tour guide led us to the Church of the Nativity. We learned it is the oldest Christian church in the world, standing some fifteen centuries. It was built over the foundation of another church that was built two hundred years prior. It felt surreal to gaze upon the original mosaic floors of the church built just a few hundred years after the birth of Jesus. 

As we walked through the historic church, my wife asked our tour guide, “How do you know for sure that this is the place where Jesus was born?” Our tour guide did not hide that fact that he was Muslim who was also born in Bethlehem. But without hesitation he responded, “Ma’am, with all due respect, this is where your Jesus was born. We know this from the families who have lived here for the past 2,000 years who have passed down the story to each generation. We who are local to Bethlehem know beyond a shadow of a doubt, your Jesus was born here.”

As we finished touring the main floor of the church, our tour guide explained that Jesus was born in a cave. Back in the time of Christ, the barn was often a cave where the animals would take shelter. The church was built over the cave. So we took the well-trodden steps down to the cave. And it was there, in the simplicity of a cave, that the Savior of the world made His first appearing! 

“Then she gave birth to her firstborn Son, and she wrapped Him snugly in cloth and laid Him in a feeding trough—because there was no room for them at the lodging place.” Luke 2:7

To be in the very place where God entered the world was a powerful experience, one never to be forgotten. But what makes the birth of Jesus so incredible is that God agreed to come here in the first place. The God of heaven came to be among His created beings. It’s mind blowing to truly ponder. What’s even more incredible is that God launched his rescue mission as a helpless baby. And He accomplished that mission on the Cross and then at the Tomb. But without Bethlehem, there would be no hope for humanity.

As we celebrate the season of Christmas, may we ponder afresh the gift of the infant King – who personally came to save you and me. What more could we want for Christmas than Jesus? And you already have Him, for He lives inside of His followers! Merry Christmas!

"And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21

