Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost

Author: Mitch Williams
November 15, 2018

As the deadliest wildfire in California history continues to burn in Butte County, many are wondering, what can be done to help? At this point, over 7,600 homes have been destroyed, leaving thousands displaced and living in temporary shelters or with family and friends.

Many of you know someone who has been directly impacted by the fire. We also have a number of Adventist pastors who have lost their homes, including our former pastor Dan Appel. I encourage you to reach out to your affected friends and send them an encouraging text or call, or even a gift card (i.e., Costco, Target, Amazon, gas, etc), in care of the Chico SDA Church. Clothes and other bigger items may be difficult to receive at this stage in the recovery.

Another way to help is by making a monetary contribution to the Northern California Conference Disaster Relief Fund.

Click here to donate to NCC Disaster Relief and help those affected by the Camp Fire! 

Friends, let's also be praying for this fire to be fully contained, and for the loss of life to be stopped. There will be a point in the future in which volunteers will be invited to physically sift through and help families recover lost items in the ashes.

The Camp Fire has certainly reminded me, we live in a world of uncertainty and that life can change in an instant. Therefore, may we continue to cling to Jesus for encouragement and be His hands and feet for those left with ashes.

“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” Hebrews 13:16

Pastor Mitch
