Miracle On The Mountain

Miracle On The Mountain

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
October 12, 2023

The tallest mountain in the lower 48 states happens to be Mt. Whitney, California, reaching an elevation of 14,505 feet. The trailhead begins at 8,330 feet and is 22 miles to the summit and back. Most will take two or three days for the hike. Each season, from May 1 through November 1, 100 hiking permits will be issued per day, but most will fail to summit. 

On July 10, 2023, Ely De Gracia and Rodrigo Mendes began their journey to the summit. What began at 3:30 AM that day almost ended in tragedy on Mt. Whitney. 

This Sabbath, we hear the riveting story of two hikers who not only witnessed life-preserving miracles on Mt. Whitney but also experienced God like never before. 

Ely and Rodrigo will share their survival stories, including the trauma of cascading down an icy mountain, resulting in a near-death experience, ending in a dramatic rescue. You will be encouraged to learn about the divinely appointed interventions that fateful day!

Hope to see you this Sabbath, and please bring a friend!

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. 
