A Special Place!

A Special Place!

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
December 07, 2023

I marvel at how the Lord is growing our church! For example, the general contractor who was instrumental with our church renovation has been bringing his wife and children to our church. Or the couple who first took a tour of Messiah’s Mansion back in early August and has scarcely missed a worship service since. Or the family who recently enrolled their children at our school and can be seen in the pews week after week. 

Indeed, the Lord has brought many new people to our church. Whether they be like the 23-year-old woman who wants to learn about Christianity, or the man in his seventies who just discovered the Sabbath, it seems that our church is receiving more and more new people hungering and thirsting for Jesus. 

Something special is happening in our church! I attribute it to the Holy Spirit who has made our church a safe place to worship. Whether you are a seeker or a saint, The Hill is a place of acceptance, love and the proclamation of God’s Word. I sense God working to grow us all closer to Him and each other. I sense the Lord giving our members a sensitivity for the new attenders as well. My heart is warmed when I see our church members actively talking with guests and visitors. 

As we recognize God’s working in our church, I also want to ask that you prayerfully remember our church family budget. As 2023 draws to a close, would you prayerfully consider making a donation to our church family offering? In order for us to finish the year in the black, we still need to collect $67,145.

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Thanks for your part in helping to make The Hill a very special church as we help grow new followers of Christ!

