Fall Plans

Fall Plans

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
September 01, 2022

The excitement is building for our upcoming fall Church Retreat, at Leoni Meadows Camp, on September 16-18. With approximately 170 registered, it promises to be a great event! We also have additional people coming up for Sabbath. If you have any questions or want to confirm your reservations, please contact Ashley White at: ashleyrwhite25@gmail.com 

Beyond getting to know one another better and relaxing in God’s creation, we have special guest speaker Calvin Kim who will present four powerful presentations. You won’t want to miss any of them. The first one will be on Friday evening at 7 PM. 

Calvin Kim is not your ordinary speaker. He tells unforgettable and inspiring stories that hold the attention of children and adults. Dr. Kim is a dentist and enjoys spending time with his wife Amy and their two daughters. He is also passionate about ministry and currently serves as the VP of Evangelism for ASI (Adventist Laymen’s Service & Industries). He is the co-founder of ARME Bible Camp and F5 Challenge. 

Dr Kim is a triathlete, avid climber, and loves all things outdoors. His passion for fitness and health is second only to his greatest passion: giving Bible studies and winning souls into God's kingdom. His life motto can be best summed up by the words of missionary C.T. Studd- "Only one life 'twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last."

I understand some of our church family will not be able to attend the Church Retreat this year. Rest assured our church doors will remain open and we will have a special worship service on September 17. 

May the Lord richly bless you as you grow closer to Jesus day by day!

