21 Day Challenge!

21 Day Challenge!

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
January 12, 2024

Last Sabbath, our guest speaker, Pastor Martin Kim, preached about the Biblical practice of prayer and fasting. Most of us know what it means to pray, but few of us understand the spiritual value of fasting. 

I have found fasting to be a very crucial companion to prayer in my own life. When making important decisions or facing a perplexing problem with myself or others, I have combined both prayer and fasting. My experience after fasting is most definitely seeing God respond to my prayers!

As we begin 2024, what challenges or even impossible situations are you facing? Or, has the Lord put it on your heart to deepen your walk with Him? These are all perfect opportunities to pray AND fast.

The Bible says: Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

When we deny ourselves something we crave and replace that craving with prayer and God’s Word, powerful things will take place in our lives. Healing takes place. Spiritual growth happens. Forgiveness is experienced. Miracles happen. Addictions are broken. Anger is defeated. Relationships are restored. Wisdom is granted.

When Daniel prayed and fasted for 21 days for Israel to be freed from Babylonia captivity, God responded, and the Nation of Israel was permitted to return home. 

There is something powerful about fasting for 21 days. Not only is it Biblical, but new habits form in those three weeks. Perhaps now is the time for you to begin a 21-day fast. If so, consider choosing one or more of these:

21-Day Fast Options

Nag Fast – No complaining and no negative thoughts
Junk Fast – No junk food and/or social media/entertainment 
Daniel Fast – Eat only fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts 
Juice Fast – Consume only fresh juices 
Choice Fast – You choose to fast from something you enjoy

Remember, fasting should be combined with prayer. God has called us to fast and pray. If you are fasting from a certain food or activity, use the time you would normally be eating or doing that activity to pray. The combination of prayer and fasting is a powerful way to focus on seeking God for breakthroughs and answers to prayer. If we are only fasting but not combining it with prayer and the Word, then our fast does not move the heart of God or have any spiritual significance. 

When Nineveh received God’s judgment to be destroyed, the people prayed and fasted and were saved. When Esther and the Jews were about to be annihilated, the people prayed and fasted, and they were spared. When Jesus was about to begin his public ministry, he readied himself with prayer and fasting. By praying and fasting, Daniel was given the meaning of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Paul prayed and fasted, and God gave him the purpose of his life. Ezra prayed and fasted for the Jews to have a safe 900-mile journey from Babylon back to Jerusalem. When attempting to cast out a demon, Jesus told his disciples (that spiritual warfare) can best be fought by prayer and fasting. (Mark 9:29).

As we begin 2024, why not choose to participate in a 21 Day Fast? Whatever fast you choose, seek the Lord’s presence and ask Him for the answers you need. The Lord Jesus will not disappoint! You will experience His intimate friendship and victory! 

“Now and onward till the close of time the people of God should be more earnest, more wide-awake, not trusting in their own wisdom, but in the wisdom of their Leader. They should set aside days for fasting and prayer.” 
Ellen White
