Financial Peace

Financial Peace

Author: Pastor Mitch
March 21, 2019

April 15 is the infamous date all adults would rather avoid – Tax Day! But that same date happens to be when your church will offer you an opportunity to be a better manager of the money God has entrusted to you. That opportunity is a seminar called Financial Peace University.

Many of us have heard of Dave Ramsey, creator of this nine-week seminar. Dave Ramsey started on one radio station in Nashville back in 1992, sharing practical answers for life’s tough money questions. Today, his radio show reaches coast to coast, as he shares practical and Biblically based approaches to money management.

Dave Ramsey has taken his money knowledge and experience and packed it into a 9-week seminar. It is video driven with some small group discussion. Attendees will understand the baby steps out of debt and into a life of saving and giving. This Biblically inspired seminar will be a blessing to you, as it has been to my wife and me.

The seminar will begin April 15 at 7 PM and finish June 10. The regular registration cost is $100 for the study materials, but if you register by April 1, you will receive a $50 discount.

Click here to register: Financial Peace University - Pleasant Hill

You can also email Andrew Nahab:

I hope you can attend and invite a friend to join you!

Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and attend to your herds. Proverbs 27:23
