
Summer Fun!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
July 25, 2024

Summer is a beautiful time of year to spend with family and friends, take a vacation, and enjoy a change of pace between school years. Summer is also a time of transition. Students move up to the next grade or the next Sabbath School class. Young adults leave home and head o...


Troubling World

By Pastor Mitch Williams
July 18, 2024

When my father was in high school, he remembers vividly the school principal abruptly announcing that President Kennedy had been shot. When President Reagan was shot, I learned of it while walking between classes at Fresno Adventist Academy. When something tragic happens, we neve...


Timing Is Everything

By Pastor Miguel Verazas
July 11, 2024

The temperature is hot, vacations are being taken, and camp meeting sessions are upon us. The summer is well underway. With all the summer "busyness," I have lately been reflecting on time. Contrary to what many may think, you cannot buy time, you cannot borrow time, and ...


Happy 4th

By Pastor Mitch Williams
July 05, 2024

Two hundred and forty-eight years ago today, the vision of the United States of America was brought to life. Established by those who sought religious freedom and new opportunities, this remarkable experiment endures to this day. While America may have its imperfections, it conti...


Third Pastor!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
June 27, 2024

For nearly a year and a half, Pastor Miguel and I have been praying for the Lord to lead us in our search for a third pastor. Those prayers were answered on Monday evening when the church board voted unanimously to hire Candice Tuazon. Pastor Candice will begin serving as our thi...


In Remembrance

By Pastor Miguel Verazas
June 20, 2024

Nothing is more special than when families come together at the dinner table. The food, fellowship, and memories created around that table are truly unforgettable. Did I mention the food?  It’s no wonder Jesus gave one of His most important messages when He and His ...


Baptized Into Christ

By Pastor Miguel Verazas
June 13, 2024

My favorite scene in the movie Jesus Revolution is when Greg Laurie decides to give his life to Jesus and be baptized. In the early part of the film, young Greg has been in search of all the right things in all the wrong places—until he encounters Jesus. I was mov...


Summer Is Here!

By Pastor Miguel Verazas
June 06, 2024

If you have not realized it yet, summer is here, and the temperature outside matches this reality! Let me remind you that one of the highlights of summer—Vacation Bible School—will be happening June 24-28, with our annual VBS Sabbath on June 29. Soon, you will begi...


Congratulations, Class of 2024!

By Pastor Miguel Verazas
May 31, 2024

The days are getting warmer, which can only mean one thing: It's that time of year again when graduations happen! Many graduations will occur over the next few weeks, and we are very proud of the 2024 class graduates. We pray that God's blessing be upon you during this important ...


The Most Important Goal!

May 23, 2024
As a parent, what is the most important goal for raising your child? Is it their academic foundation? No doubt, we certainly want our child to have the academic prowess to attend and graduate from college in order to serve in a professional career. But is that the most important ...


High Sabbath!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
May 16, 2024

This Sabbath, we have several elements to make our worship service extra special! Baptism – Pastor Miguel is privileged to be baptizing Sienna Sanders, this Sabbath! Sienna, an 8th grader, will be sharing her testimony where she heard the voice of God speak to her...


Alumni Sabbath!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
April 12, 2024

Since 1952, Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy (PHAA) has been serving the East Bay, providing Adventist Christian education to generations of families. PHAA has provided students (K-12) not only with a strong academic foundation, but much more importantly, a Christ-centered en...


Showers of Blessings!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
April 05, 2024

Two years ago, we prayerfully cast a vision of the possibility of purchasing our very own shower trailer to help bring dignity and care to the homeless in our community. The Lord has seen fit to raise more than enough funds to purchase a brand new shower trailer!  This Sa...


He Is Risen!

By Pastor Miguel Verazas
March 28, 2024

One of the greatest experiences of my life was traveling to the Holy Land several years ago. One of my favorite and most memorable experiences on that trip was visiting The Garden Tomb. Although this is one site where Jesus is believed to have been laid, the fact that I was ...


Spring Has Sprung!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
March 21, 2024

My body always knows when Spring is upon us because my allergies ignite. This week, I had to take my first Zyrtec of the season to help relieve my symptoms. As it turns out, Spring officially began on Tuesday of this week.  Spring is an exciting time of year as we leave t...


Never Forget!

March 14, 2024

How do Christians remember what Jesus did for them on the Cross? One way is through the periodic practice of Communion. This Sabbath we take a fresh look at the most symbolic meal ever consumed. We will take our place at the table in the Upper Room, and observe some of what Jesus...


The Final Week

March 07, 2024
No week was more pivotal in world history than the final week in the life of Jesus Christ. Jesus knew His time had come to fulfill His primary missional goal. He readied himself and returned to Jerusalem, lodging with his good friends Lazarus, Mary, and Martha. On Sunday, Jesus m...



By Pastor Mitch Williams
February 29, 2024

10 years ago, Gertie Warnick, Director of our Food Pantry Ministry, dreamed of bringing showers to the unsheltered community. Today, with over 400 people receiving food on a monthly basis, a portion of those individuals actually live in their cars. When you live in your car, you ...


His Children

By Pastor Mitch Williams
February 22, 2024

 Last November, I had the chance to visit Washington DC, along with students from Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy. We toured the various memorial sites, including the most recently built, Martin Luther King Memorial. This was the first memorial ever erected in our Nation&rsq...


Hearing God's Voice

By Pastor Mitch Williams
February 16, 2024

A few weeks ago, I drove my daughter Olivia, 17, to downtown San Francisco for an early 8 AM appointment. As we navigated the rush hour traffic, we were cutting it close to being on time. Fortunately, we arrived with 5 minutes to spare. After parking the car in the underground ga...


Men of God

By Pastor Mitch Williams
January 26, 2024

On Wednesday evening of this week, 18 men gathered in the youth chapel to begin a journey to the heart of God. We were reminded that every strong family and every strong church has strong men of God. The Bible tells us, “iron sharpens iron,” and Godly men are called t...


Experiencing God!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
January 18, 2024

 Many years ago, while attending Andrews University Theological Seminary, I became friends with one of the professors, Dr. Joseph Kidder. He initially studied to be an engineer, but after becoming a Christian, he felt the call to be a pastor and eventually a professor. Dr. K...


21 Day Challenge!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
January 12, 2024

Last Sabbath, our guest speaker, Pastor Martin Kim, preached about the Biblical practice of prayer and fasting. Most of us know what it means to pray, but few of us understand the spiritual value of fasting.  I have found fasting to be a very crucial companion to prayer i...


New Beginnings!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
January 05, 2024

What kind of year will 2024 be? Blessings and bounty, or hardship and loss? Of course none of us knows what type of year we will experience. But one thing is certain, we need the Lord to help navigate us through unchartered waters. As we recommit ourselves to the Lord, what new b...



December 28, 2023
On behalf of your pastors and church staff, we want to wish each one of you a Happy and Blessed New Year!  "Dear God, Thank you for new beginnings. What an incredible day this is with a fresh year's potential stretched out before us. We want to be found faithful this ye...


Merry Christmas

By Pastor Mitch Williams
December 21, 2023

As the Christmas holiday season soon comes to a crescendo on December 25, this coming Sabbath, we celebrate the birth of Jesus with a carefully planned Christmas service. Through congregational singing, various special music, and the reading of the Christmas story in chronologica...


Bethlehem Birth!

By Mitch Williams
December 14, 2023

I’ll will never forget the first time I had the privilege of visiting Bethlehem. My wife and I were there together. As we entered the ancient town, we eagerly anticipated seeing the most famous little village in all of the world.  Upon arrival, our tour guide led us...


A Special Place!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
December 07, 2023

I marvel at how the Lord is growing our church! For example, the general contractor who was instrumental with our church renovation has been bringing his wife and children to our church. Or the couple who first took a tour of Messiah’s Mansion back in early August and has s...


Tis the Season!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
December 01, 2023

The most wonderful time of year has just begun! The time to remember what our Creator did 2,000 years ago. The time of year when we recall with wonder how the Lord gave us the greatest display of His love by becoming one of us. The ultimate gift bestowed upon humanity sets the...


Happy Thanksgiving!

By Pastor Mitch and Pastor Miguel
November 21, 2023

On behalf of your pastors and church staff, we want to wish each one of you a Happy Thanksgiving! As you gather with your loved ones may we all remember to give thanks to our Lord for He is good! "I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your won...


Time To Be Thankful

By Pastor Mitch Williams
November 17, 2023

Thanksgiving is almost upon us, and with it, the anticipation of family, friends, and food around a bountiful table. Our family, like many others, has a Thanksgiving tradition of going around the table and allowing each person to say one thing that they’re thankful for. Lik...


Home Builder

By Pastor Mitch Williams
November 09, 2023

The home is very important to God. In fact, He created families before He created the Church. When God created Adam and Eve, He placed them in relation to each other and to their children. He established the family as the pattern for all mankind because He wanted us to live toget...



By Pastor Miguel Verazas
November 02, 2023

There is a saying in Spanish that states, “If you want to make it into heaven, you must learn to speak the language of heaven, which is Spanish.” Quite frankly, I am a little partial to this statement for obvious reasons. The Spanish Bible translation does a very good...


Outreach Sabbath!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
October 26, 2023

Our annual Pathfinder Food Drive happens this Sabbath! Your donated food will help resupply the inventory of our Food Pantry (Adventist Community Services), where we provide food to over 400 individuals each month. The demands for food has increased 100% in the past few years. Th...


Sharing Your Surplus

By Pastor Mitch Williams
October 19, 2023

 As we soon enter the season of Thanksgiving, it is our church tradition to solicit food donations from our community. The collected food will be distributed by our Food Pantry in the following year. This Sabbath, our Pathfinder Club and other volunteers, will be dropping...


Miracle On The Mountain

By Pastor Mitch Williams
October 12, 2023

The tallest mountain in the lower 48 states happens to be Mt. Whitney, California, reaching an elevation of 14,505 feet. The trailhead begins at 8,330 feet and is 22 miles to the summit and back. Most will take two or three days for the hike. Each season, from May 1 through Novem...


Lord Of The Harvest

October 06, 2023
Melita had never opened the Bible before in her childhood. Her father was not a Christian, and her mother was absorbed in Taoism. After graduating from high school, she entered college, not having any affiliation with any religion.  Research shows that 85% of people who b...


Aaron Shust Concert

By Pastor Miguel Verazas
September 28, 2023

Aaron's fascination with music-with unique sounds, melodies, progressions, and techniques has always been a salient part of who he is. From an early age, Aaron has felt most at home in front of a piano. Just as innate to Aaron is his love of God's Words, wrestling with the Script...


Autumn Colors

By Pastor Mitch Williams
September 21, 2023

The official first day of fall arrives this Sabbath. The signs of autumn are beginning to show, with the leaves turning and the evenings cooling. How wonderful it is to see God’s handiwork in the changing seasons. This Sabbath, we resume our series entitled: Lessons from...


Church Retreat 2023!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
September 14, 2023

 Harold Alomia was a pastor for almost two decades and had not yet understood the foundational truth of The Gospel. Yes he believed that Jesus loved humanity, and that God saved humanity, but there was a key component missing.  During our Church Retreat at Leoni...


Philippine's Love

By Pastor Mitch Williams
September 07, 2023

This Sabbath, we celebrate the work of our church missionaries, who went to the Philippines this summer to serve. Pastor Miguel and Ms. Bonnie Gottke led the group of approximately 17 high school students from various local schools.  The target of the mission trip was to ...


Testing Time

By Pastor Mitch Williams
September 01, 2023

With Autumn soon approaching and the new school year underway, 2023 has proven to be a blessed year for The Hill. We have enjoyed a full church Sabbath after Sabbath, baptisms throughout the year, as well as outreach events such as VBS, Messiah’s Mansion and Concerts. We ar...


Summer of Baptisms!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
August 24, 2023

What does Carol Paulino, Diana Bodnaryuk, Andrew Kiel, Christina Kiel, Andrea Kiel and Kenneth Kiel, Josie Gottke and Nicolas Alvarado have in common? They were all baptized this summer!  This Sabbath, Grace Dadula also joins this distinguished group of born-again followe...


The Story of Joy

By Pastor Mitch Williams
August 17, 2023

 You may have heard the news about the experienced hiker who fell 150 feet to their death on August 11 at Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. What makes the story even more personal is that the hiker, Joy Cho, was a close family member of our church member, Dr. John Cho. M...


Light of the World

By Pastor Mitch Williams
August 10, 2023

 I hope you were able to join the approximately 2,300 people who toured the (Messiah’s Mansion) replica of the Old Testament Sanctuary from July 29 to August 6. We had guests coming to our campus from all over northern California, from Sacramento to San Jose, from...


Tour the Sanctuary

By Pastor Mitch Williams
August 03, 2023

Since last Sabbath, just about 800 people have toured the Old Testament replica of the portable sanctuary used by the Children of Israel for nearly 500 years. The replica sanctuary is called Messiah’s Mansion, located on the campus of Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy.  ...


Tabernacle Replica

By Pastor Mitch Williams
July 14, 2023

Approximately 3,000 years ago, God asked Moses to build a sanctuary in the Sinai desert so He could dwell among His people. That portable, tent-like structure was the place of God’s Shekinah glory. It was the place of animal sacrifices, blood, and flames. Each element insid...


Remembering Back

By Pastor Mitch Williams
July 07, 2023

This Sabbath, we have two important events that take our minds back: Communion Service: This Sabbath, we remember the power of the blood that Jesus shed for us at Calvary. Please come to church ready to worship the One who bought you for the ultimate price and offers eternal ...


Church Retreat 2023!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
June 30, 2023

Our annual Church Retreat held in the Sierra Nevada Mountains (Leoni Meadows Camp) is coming this Fall! This is always a weekend of fun, fellowship and spiritual rejuvenation! The Church Retreat is a great time for the whole family! Being in God’s nature is both relaxing...


Goodbye Elder Roderick

By Pastor Mitch Williams
June 23, 2023

For over 45 years, Dick and Althea Roderick have been faithful members of The Hill. Year after year, you would find them at church, in their pew, upfront, on the right-hand side. But a few weeks ago, Dick was not at church. A few of us went to visit the Roderick’s that same...



By Pastor Miguel Verazas
June 08, 2023

Get ready to BLAST OFF with us on another fun-filled VBS Adventure! On June 12 -16, 2023, we will launch off your kids on a cosmic quest where they will have a BLAST shining Jesus's Light to the World. It will be a spectacular five days of activities, inc...


Graduation Time!

June 01, 2023
As the school year is coming to a close, no doubt you’ve likely received an invitation to a graduation. Whether it is for preschool, kindergarten, eighth grade, high school, or college, all graduations are important milestones in a young person's life!  This week an...


Celebrating Christ!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
May 25, 2023

This Saturday, your church will host two special events for your family and friends. Here’s the line-up: Tad Worku Concert – 6:30 PM After graduating from college in Northern California, Tad Worku was offered a pop contract by a record label, offering to fund hi...


Celebrating Youth!

May 19, 2023
For approximately 70 years, Pathfinder Clubs all over the world have helped young people develop practical skills, enjoy outdoor activities, make new friends and most of all, learn more about Jesus. You may not know it, but our church has a Pathfinder Club with over 30 young peop...


Messiah's Mansion!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
May 11, 2023

How would you like to travel back 3,000 years to the ancient portable sanctuary built by the nation of Israel? God told Moses, “Have the people of Israel build me a holy sanctuary so I can live among them.” Exodus 25:8  This summer, your church is bringin...


If My People!

By Mitch Williams
May 04, 2023

It’s one of the most potent promises in all of the Bible, yet often neglected. We have memorized the promise but have forgotten it. It’s a promise that speaks of God’s power to hear and to heal! What is that promise? It’s a promise found in the Old Test...


Footsteps Of Paul

By Mitch Williams
April 29, 2023

This Sabbath, the Bible comes to life as we go back two millenniums to another continent and another world. Just over 30 days ago, Pastor Miguel and I returned from an epic trip to Turkey and Greece. We were privileged to visit the cities where the Gospel was first preached, wher...


Faith & Science

By Pastor Mitch Williams
April 20, 2023

Have you ever wondered how science and faith can fit together? Does science deal only with evidence and faith built on something else? Did you know many people lose their faith because they become convinced that science has disproved their belief in God and the Bible?&n...


Alumni Sabbath!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
April 13, 2023

Since 1952, Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy (PHAA) has been serving the East Bay, providing Adventist Christian education to generations of families. We even have children currently attending whose mother or father also attended PHAA. For over 70 years, PHAA has been helping chil...


Garden Tomb

By Pastor Mitch Williams
April 06, 2023

I’ll never forget the time we gathered together for a worship service in a garden. It was no ordinary garden. It was surrounded by high cliffs, with a particular cave. In front of the cave was a very large round millstone. It was surreal to be in the place that changed huma...



By Pastor Miguel Verazas
March 30, 2023

If there is something that I enjoy, it is food! Who doesn’t love a great meal?  I’m what you might call a “foodie.” I love trying new foods, especially when fused with different culinary cultures. Along with smelling and tasting the food, I enjoy t...


Revelation Simplified!

March 24, 2023
Which book of the Bible most intimidates you? Which book is most often misunderstood? If you answered the book of Revelation, then perhaps this Sabbath is for you! This Sabbath, we are blessed to have guest speaker, Shama Stock, present from the book of Revelation. But here&rs...


Paul's Footsteps

By Pastor Mitch Williams
March 16, 2023

Since March 6th, Pastor Miguel and I, along with 90 other pastors and their spouses, have been visiting the many Biblical sites found in the countries of Turkey and Greece. Most notably, we toured the seven churches of Revelation, including Ephesus and Laodicea. We also visited T...


Pan De Vida Tours

By Pastor Mitch Williams
March 09, 2023

You may have heard The Hill is planning a Holy Land Tour next year! Originally, we set a goal of 50 of our church members to attend the trip, but less than a week after the tour announcement, we currently have 56 signed up! We don’t want to turn anyone away, so a second bus...


Holy Land Pilgrimage!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
March 02, 2023

Have you dreamed of taking a boat ride upon the Sea of Galilee, or visiting the site of Jesus’ baptism, or walking the streets of Jerusalem, or seeing the cave where Jesus was born in Bethlehem? Next Spring your church will be taking a tour of the Holy Land. This tour will ...


Black History Sabbath

February 25, 2023
She was known as the “Moses of her people,” She was enslaved herself, escaped, and then helped others gain their freedom as a leader in the Underground Railroad. Over a course of years, Harriet Tubman not only led hundreds of abused slaves to freedom in the north, but...


Ministry Engagement

By Pastor Mitch Williams
February 18, 2023

Last Sabbath we were reminded that a healthy church cannot function effectively with only a few persons doing the work of ministry. Not even Peter, along with the other apostles, could keep up with the demands of the Acts church. There came a time to delegate and empower the memb...


Disaster In Turkey

By Pastor Mitch Williams
February 11, 2023

The aftermath of one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike this century is being experienced in Turkey and Syria this week. The 7.8 earthquake has been followed by over 100 aftershocks, some as massive as 7.5. Nearly 6,000 buildings have collapsed in Turkey. Hundreds of thousand...


Looking Back and Forward

By Pastor Mitch Williams
February 02, 2023

One of my favorite Ellen White quotations is this: "We have nothing to fear for the future except as we shall forget the way the Lord led us, in our past." Earlier this week, your church held a Business Meeting reviewing how the Lord has blessed us in 2022. If you misse...


The Power of Connection

By Pastor Mitch Williams
January 28, 2023

Last Sabbath we examined the book of Acts and rediscovered one of the secrets of the first-century Christian church! We saw that the first church was connected! They were first connected with the Holy Spirit and then they were connected with one another! The way they grew closer ...


Coats and Shoes

By Pastor Mitch Williams
January 21, 2023

When was the last time you were without a proper coat or shoes? Yet that is the case for many people living on the streets all around us. How can we make a difference? By giving from our plenty! If you have an extra coat or shoes in your closet, please bring them to church thi...


Goodbye Friend

By Pastor Mitch Williams
January 14, 2023

Most of us are still reeling from the shocking news that our sweet sister, Sally Nam, has fallen asleep. The always smiling, always friendly and always serving Sally touched each one of us in ways that we will never forget. She exemplified Jesus with an attitude of love, kindness...


Welcome To 2023!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
January 07, 2023

Happy new year! As we proceed into the unchartered territory of a new year, have you reflected upon 2022? How has the Lord shown His grace, by bringing you through trials, challenges and disappointments? In what ways has the Lord shown you His favor? Taking inventory is a he...


Prescription for Immunity

By Pastor Mitch Williams
September 08, 2022

The past two and half years has reminded us of an indisputable truth: Our health cannot be taken for granted. With a pandemic that has recently swept the world off its feet, everyone knows that excellent health is foundational for fighting chronic diseases and infections. Whi...


Fall Plans

By Pastor Mitch Williams
September 01, 2022

The excitement is building for our upcoming fall Church Retreat, at Leoni Meadows Camp, on September 16-18. With approximately 170 registered, it promises to be a great event! We also have additional people coming up for Sabbath. If you have any questions or want to confirm y...


Get Ready!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
August 25, 2022

What in the world is going on? Have you had a family member, friend or co-worker ask you such a question? With the plethora of unprecedented events taking place, many are wondering what is happening to our world? As Adventists, we recognize the birth pangs of a world soon com...


Back to School!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
August 18, 2022

It’s hard to believe that we are entering back into the season of school. This week, Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy (PHAA) began classes with its highest enrollment in many years. Under the leadership of our new principal, Dr. Philip Williams, the Lord has brought a fl...


High Sabbath!

August 11, 2022
It’s hard to believe, but exactly six years ago this month, Pastor Miguel began as our Youth Pastor for The Hill. In those six years, Pastor Miguel has served in many ways, baptizing countless youth, leading praise music, overseeing our AV expansion to live-stream, over...


Work Bee!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
August 04, 2022

All are invited to roll up their sleeves and prepare Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy for the new school year. This Sunday, August 7, from 7:30 AM to Noon, we have a great opportunity to help clean up and beautify the campus in a major way. Our work bee will not only focus...


Thank You Pastor Miguel!

By Reena Cho
July 28, 2022

Over the past years, Pastor Miguel has shared his talents, his gift of music, and most of all his love for Jesus with our church family. He is charismatic, passionate and genuine. He wears his heart on his sleeve and when being in the same room with hi...


Mountaintop Experience

By Pastor Mitch Williams
July 22, 2022

Have you registered yet for our upcoming Church Retreat, scheduled for September 16-18, at Leoni Meadows Campground? If not, please don’t delay. We have a limited number of lodge rooms and cabins. Meals will be served in the cafeteria. Many fun activities are planned for...


Committed in Concert

By Pastor Miguel Verazas
July 14, 2022

Committed is an a cappella singing group comprised of five educated young men who love creativity, music, and God. The group began in 2003 at Forest Lake Academy and solidified their sound while at school at Oakwood University in Huntsville, AL. Committed has grown to be a ...


Summer Recess

By Pastor Mitch Williams
July 07, 2022

I trust you are enjoying a wonderful summer with your family and friends.   Just to keep you in the loop, many exciting developments are taking place at Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy (PHAA)! We have hired a new principal, Dr. Philip Williams, and he and his wife...


Bread that Speaks

By Pastor Mitch Williams
June 30, 2022

In a world filled with strife and divisiveness, the church offers us peace and unity. As Christians, we have the opportunity to escape the chaos of this world and instead experience the stability of the church. The church is indeed the body of Christ. So when we gather togethe...


Get Ready for Christ Because He is Ready for You!

By Gene Valdez
June 23, 2022

Church Family, I want to tell you in preparing my sermon I have reflected on the past 9 years that I have been elder and how special that time has been on my spiritual growth and seeing the growth and triumph of our church in face of much adversity. I can tell you one thing, ...


Mountain Top Experience!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
June 09, 2022

Thanks to the pandemic and wild fires, our annual Church Retreat has been cancelled the last two years. But finally we are scheduled to return to Leoni Meadows Camp this fall, September 16-18! The Church Retreat is a church-wide event and everyone of all ages is invited. L...


Incredible Stories!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
June 02, 2022

Sometimes, when we read the Bible, it can feel like those kinds of miracle stories just don't happen in 2022. Yet I’m here to tell you, this Sabbath we have three individuals that are proof positive, God still does perform Bible-sized miracles in our time. The first ...


Two Funerals!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
May 26, 2022

This weekend we especially remember the many soldiers who gave their lives in defense of our nation. The Bible tells us there is no greater love a person can show than to give their life for another. May we pause this weekend and reflect upon the incredible sacrifice of those ...


Celebrations & Farewells

May 05, 2022
This Sabbath we celebrate a new member and say goodbye to others. First, we rejoice over the baptism of Michael, son of Ken and Gilda Kreider. Michael, who is just finishing the 4th grade at Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy, has been studying the Bible with Pastor Miguel for t...


Showers of Blessings!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
April 28, 2022

Spring showers brings May flowers – or so goes the promise! What a beautiful spring we’ve have experienced, and the rain has been a special bonus! This Sabbath, we will be blessed with more showers, in particular, the rain of the Holy Spirit! The Lord will bles...



By Pastor Mitch Williams
April 22, 2022

Loneliness was a problem in America before the pandemic. But now after two years of shutdowns, closures, isolation, social distancing, and masking, the trauma of protecting our health has significantly affected our connectedness. With the pandemic losing steam, we see lif...


Season of Hope!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
April 14, 2022

We live in a time when good news seems to escape us. Whether it be a persistent pandemic, relentless inflation, random shootings, wars and threats of world war, or degrading morals, we live in troubling times. It was troubling times 2000 years ago on a Friday, when the foll...


Alumni Sabbath!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
April 07, 2022

This Sabbath we celebrate how the Lord shapes and matures our youth through Adventist education. Our guest speaker, Dr. Lindsay Bautista Gammenthaler, will present the message. All alumni of Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy (PHAA) are invited to our service. We will especially ...


Spring has Sprung

March 31, 2022
Hope you have enjoyed the budding trees, blooming flowers, and longer days. The spring showers have also prolonged the green hills all around us. After a long and dormant winter, who is the One the who wakes up nature? Through him all things were made; without him nothing was ...



By Pastor Miguel Verazas
March 24, 2022

Never in this bride's dreams would she have imagined Tom Hanks photobombing one of her wedding pictures. Everyone is talking about actor Tom Hanks surprising Grace Gwaltney on one of the happiest days of her life. She and her bridesmaids were getting into the limo from their ...


Cheerful Benevolence

By Pastor Mitch Williams
March 17, 2022

Earlier this week, an Adventist Church in Nikolaev reported that a Russian missile landed just 25 feet from their structure. With God’s help and protection it did not explode, but was half buried in the ground. Upon impact there were people in the church basement see...


Optimize Your Brain

By Pastor Mitch Williams
March 10, 2022

How would you like to improve your EQ (emotional intelligence)? How about improving your mental performance, including your capacity to learn, retain, and apply knowledge? Would you like to learn how to increase your motivation, creativity, and ability to set and achieve goal...


Helping Ukraine!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
March 03, 2022

Many are wondering what can be done for our Adventist brothers and sisters in Ukraine. With nearly 800 churches, and over 43,000 members, the need is great as Ukraine tries to deal with the recent Russian invasion. Many are living in basements and shelters. Others have see...


SALT Outreach

By Pastor Mitch Williams
February 24, 2022

Perhaps you have been wondering how you can make a tangible difference for those hurting in our community? This Sabbath, SALT Outreach, a Florida-based SDA ministry specializing in serving the homeless, will be our special guests. Their founder, Eric Camarillo, will share how...


God's Perfect Timing!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
February 17, 2022

Over six months ago, Blessings Robertson-Winn, along with her two children, Sadia and Shannon, began attending our church. During the pandemic, Blessings began to sense God calling her back to church. Since then, she and her children have been doing Bible studies and this Sab...


Sharing His Light

By Pastor Mitch Williams
February 10, 2022

Beginning this Sabbath, a new class begins on the powerful keys to personal evangelism. Ely DeGracia and Lena Williams will facilitate this 13 week study that will cover, among other things: How to be the most effective witness for Jesus. How to surrender yourself m...


War Zone

By Pastor Mitch Williams
February 03, 2022

Earlier this week I received a text from a good friend. It’s the kind of text you never want to receive. He informed me that a mutual friend named Joe was hit by a drunk driver while riding his motorcycle and was instantly killed. His wife Martha, who was riding with him...


Coming Up!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
January 27, 2022

This Sabbath our sermon will be given by guest speaker, Jim Lorenz, former pastor at The Hill and currently the Ministerial Director for the Northern California Conference. His sermon is entitled: Appreciating the Creator and His Creation Here’s a sermon teaser: Ma...


In Brotherly Love

By Pastor Mitch Williams
January 20, 2022

Last Sabbath we kicked off a new sermon series entitled: My Brother’s Keeper. We were reminded that Jesus calls us to treat other people the same way we want to be treated – with compassion and a helping hand. Today there is an epidemic of homelessness in the G...


Let's Pray!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
January 13, 2022

What kind of year will we have in 2022? Only the Lord knows! But as we begin this new season, why not build it on a foundation of prayer with other like-minded believers? Why not have a Pentecost moment now? Why not gather as the early church did when they prayed for the Apos...


Happy 2022!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
January 06, 2022

Welcome to a new year! With 2021 behind us, most of us are hoping for a better year. Less pandemic, less fear, less isolation, and less uncertainty. Only the Lord knows what He has in store for us in 2022. But let’s all be in agreement, Jesus was with us last year in so ...


Merry Christmas!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
December 23, 2021

As you gather with your family and friends for fellowship, food, festivities and gifts this Christmas, may we not lose sight of what we are truly celebrating! Just think, the voice that made the cosmos could be heard crying in the manger in Bethlehem. The hands that placed...


Upcoming Christmas Celebrations!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
December 16, 2021

This weekend we celebrate Christmas with an incredible playlist bringing us back to the birth of our Savior in Bethlehem. Christmas Concert – Friday, 7:00 PM  Be prepared to hear beautiful and melodious voices sing the Christmas carols and hymns we have come to l...


Baby Stories!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
December 09, 2021

December is turning out to be a big month for birth announcements! First off, Pastor Miguel & Ashley finally had their baby on December 6, at 10:27 PM. His name is Noah Michael and he is a rather big baby boy, weighing in at 10.2 lbs. and a whopping 23 inches in length! Pr...


Christmas Time!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
December 02, 2021

The busiest time of year has begun! But in the midst of the Christmas planning, decorating, shopping, wrapping, cooking, socializing, spending, traveling, and the list goes on, let’s not forget the reason for the season! Let’s be intentional to keep Jesus and H...


Abundant Blessings!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving! It was exactly 400 years ago that the pilgrims made a feast to thank the Lord for bringing them safely across the Atlantic and through their first winter. As you gather around your thanksgiving table today, may your conversations dwell upon the abundant...



By Pastor Mitch Williams
November 18, 2021

One of the hardest things in life is saying goodbye to a family member or friend. Such will be this case this Sabbath as we say farewell to a family that has been a part of our church since 1978. George and Wisal Khoury moved here from Lebanon to escape tough times in their...


A Simple Gift

By Pastor Mitch Williams
November 11, 2021

With the Christmas season nearly upon us, we have an opportunity now to help impact children around the world with the good news about the birth of our Savior, Jesus! Since its inception in 1993, Operation Christmas Child has reached over 188 million children in over 150 c...


Moving Day

By Pastor Mitch Williams
November 04, 2021

The time had finally come for Dave and Nina to move into their new home. After a year of preparations, including the installation of new water, sewer and utilities lines, it was time for their new home to be delivered. The triple-wide prefabricated home was carefully towed to ...


Tactile Worship!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
October 28, 2021

Can you believe it’s been nearly two years since we last washed one another’s feet? The pandemic has prevented us from experiencing one of our most sacred rituals, but this Sabbath we celebrate communion in the fullest sense. After serving one another on our kn...


Food Drive!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
October 21, 2021

The 2021 Pathfinder Food Drive culminates this Sabbath! Please bring your bag(s) of canned foods, dry pasta, cereal, juice, baby food and food gift cards to church this Sabbath, October 23. Last Sabbath, the Pathfinders distributed paper bags to hundreds of homes in the Pleas...


Love One Another

October 14, 2021
Jesus said if we want to be His disciples, we must love one another. (John 13:35). In our day, during this pandemic and political climate, how is your love for others? It's no secret that many issues today are testing our patience and ability to love one another. Lines are...


Food Drive!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
October 07, 2021

The annual Pathfinder-sponsored food drive officially kicks off this Sabbath. Each year we collect food items both from the church and the community. These food items are later distributed at our Adventist Community Service Food Pantry. This Sabbath, October 9, a paper sac...


New Testament Style

September 30, 2021
The sweetest thing about life is friendships. Whether it be the friendship between a husband and wife, or the friendship between church members, family members, neighbors or co-workers, life is so much richer when we live it with friends. The Lord designed us to be happiest...


Building Community

By Pastor Mitch Williams
September 23, 2021

Last Sabbath we were reminded that Jesus’ preferred method of growing His followers is through a small group model. With loneliness at record levels, thanks to the pandemic, what better time than now to reconnect with people, particularly those of your faith? In the ...


Welcome Back!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
September 16, 2021

This Sabbath your church reopens its doors! Everyone is invited back to in-person church to worship, grow, and fellowship in the name of Jesus. Even though it’s been just a few weeks since we last assembled, it feels like it’s going to be a grand reunion. Fact is, ...


Showing Kindness!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
September 09, 2021

Friends, the leper is healed! I’m symptom free! And praise God no one else is positive with Covid-19 (from what we know) as a result of the exposure at church! I have been so moved by your loving messages as I recovered from Covid-19. Your words lifted my spirits and...


Today's Leprosy

By Pastor Mitch Williams
September 02, 2021

Trust me, no one wants to be the leper. Not in Jesus’ day and certainly not today. But when you are diagnosed with Covid-19, as I was earlier this week, you are like a modern-day leper. Lepers are to isolate from their community, including their own family members. Si...


Important Updates

By Pastor Mitch Williams
August 26, 2021

Hello Church family! Here are a few important announcements: 1. This Sabbath, Pastor John Lomacang, from Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), will be our special guest speaker. His message is a timely one entitled: The Direction of the Storm. We live in troubling times...


Invisible Firefighters

By Pastor Mitch Williams
August 19, 2021

It began on Saturday and soon became the fourth largest fire in California, out of the 19 currently active wildfires. The Caldor fire rapidly spread east, charring over 54,000 acres and in its path, Leoni Meadows. The beloved camp was evacuated on Monday and soon the digital ...


Miracles in Rwanda!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
August 12, 2021

It was 16 years ago when I had the privilege of visiting the country of Rwanda in the heart of Africa. While there, I took in the lush vegetation and rolling hills. The people were so incredibly warm, friendly and full of smiles. But behind the wonder of this incredible count...


Summer Rest!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
August 05, 2021

Hard to believe August is already here! Amazing how quickly the summer has flown by, at least for some of us. I do hope you are being refreshed during the summer season. Here are a few important announcements: 1. We will be having our monthly potluck this Sabbath in the ...


Impossible God!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
July 29, 2021

It has been said that the fear of public speaking is greater than even the fear of death. The scientific word for fear of public speaking is “glossophobia.” It comes from the Greek words “glossa” (tongue) and “phobos” (dread or fear). I h...


Growing the Family

By Pastor Miguel Verazas
July 22, 2021

If you have ever encountered Brody, you know how deep and thoughtful he is by having a conversation with him. You would also know that Brody loves to help. There has not been one time that I have encountered Brody where he does not ask, "Pastor Miguel, can I help you with any...



By Pastor Miguel Verazas
July 15, 2021

I consider it a pure joy to be able to be part of the body of Christ! As the lyrics to this well-known song state, “I’m so glad I'm a part of the family of God…” Have you ever stopped to think about the mystery of being part of the family of God? W...



By Pastor Miguel Verazas
July 08, 2021

Reading the story of Uzzah and how God struck him dead in 2 Samuel 6 has always bothered me. You know Uzzah was just trying to keep the Ark of the Covenant from falling to the ground. The oxen carrying the ark stumbled going to the threshing floor of Nakon. Uzzah, while trying...


Remembering Freedom!

July 01, 2021
This weekend we celebrate our nation's birthday, when our 13 collective states declared themselves no longer a colony of England but an independent nation. On that momentous date, a letter was signed and sent to England declaring our independence and determination to be a fre...


Preaching from the Grave

By Pastor Mitch Williams
June 24, 2021

In just 100 days in 1994, Hutu extremists slaughtered more than a million Tutsis in Rwanda. In the face of such evil carnage, a young Adventist Tutsi refused to break God’s commandments. As with Daniel and his three friends, God repeatedly intervened to not only save his...


New Beginnings!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
June 17, 2021

This week, your church joins the state of California in fully reopening! After a 15-month hiatus due to the pandemic, The Hill reopens indoors! Many have been busy preparing for this very special grand-reopening Sabbath! All Sabbath Schools (Children and Adults) will be me...


40 Sabbaths!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
June 10, 2021

What began as an “experiment” turned into one of the biggest blessings during the pandemic! It was exactly 40 Sabbaths ago that we held our first outdoor worship service at The Hill. Since September 12, with the exception of one Sabbath due to excessive smoke, the ...


Graduation Blitz!

June 03, 2021
Do you remember how you felt when you graduated? Graduation is that milestone in life that we all pass through on the road to adulthood. It’s an important occasion to pause and celebrate what God has done in the life of the graduate. Beginning today and into the weeke...


Upper Room

By Pastor Mitch Williams
May 27, 2021

It’s hard to believe, but we have not enjoyed a corporate, in-the-flesh, communion service in well over a year! But this Sabbath, all that changes as we receive the emblems of the bread and cup. Communion is one of those unique worship experiences that tangibly reminds ...


Special Sabbath!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
May 20, 2021

Special guest speaker Clive Coutet will share his incredible testimony this Sabbath. Clive was raised in England where he became very proficient in video production and was sought after by the media giants. But Clive committed his talents to the God and therefore the Lord led...


Season of Milestones

By Pastor Mitch Williams
May 13, 2021

We have entered the season when tassels will be moved from the right to the left. Just last Saturday evening, our own Pastor Miguel Verazas attended a virtual graduation through Andrews University Theological Seminary where he officially graduated with a master's degree in Pa...


Saying Goodbye

By Pastor Mitch Williams
May 06, 2021

Earlier this week I received the phone call that none of us like to receive. A good friend had died. She had been fighting stage 4 cancer for four long years. Although she had initially been given only 6 months to live, her will to live, coupled with her faith in Jesus, extend...


Expanding Family

By Pastor Mitch Williams
April 29, 2021

In January of this year, Diana and Amon Samweli began attending our church. They approached me asking to dedicate their infant daughter Ariana, which we did (some of you may remember). As I got to know Diana and Amon better, I discovered some interesting things about them. Dia...


Indoor Church, Anyone?

April 22, 2021
As most of you have heard, Governor Newsom recently announced that California will be fully reopening on June 15. The governor even promised that in light of the improving pandemic outlook, he anticipated the four-tier color system to be eliminated. The one thing that would r...


Alumni Sabbath

By Pastor Mitch Williams
April 15, 2021

This Sabbath we celebrate the many ways the Lord has blessed families at Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy (PHAA). Established in 1952 and serving grades K-12, PHAA has been shaping generations of young people. Students are trained not just academically, but spiritually, giving...


Revelations of Hope

By Pastor Mitch Williams
April 08, 2021

Thanks to the many of you who have been attending physically or virtually for the Revelations of Hope seminar being held this week. If you haven’t been able to tune in, it’s not too late to catch the last four meetings, occurring each night at 7 PM, concluding t...


Revelations of Hope

By Gene Valdez
March 25, 2021

It's hard to believe that it has been an entire year of social distancing, mask wearing, event cancelling, toilet paper hunting, and a myriad of other obstacles in dealing with a worldwide pandemic. One of the things that has been especially difficult is connecting with other...


Busy Sabbath!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
March 18, 2021

It was January 11, 2020, when I first noticed him. A voice from the back of the church proclaiming uninhibited “Amens” and “Let’s go” and “That’s good” during the sermon. He came to church the next Sabbath and the next, always br...


Door to Door

By Pastor Mitch Williams
March 11, 2021

Let’s be honest, health is on everyone’s mind right now. What is repeatedly stressed is wearing masks, washing hands, and social distancing, yet very little is said about ways to improve our immunity. Perhaps now is the best time to love our community by giving the...


Prayers for a Miracle!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
March 04, 2021

It was a sunny Friday afternoon nearly two weeks ago when Slava Gospodchikov went for a jog. But soon into his run he started feeling significant chest pains. Rather than ignore the pain, he wisely grabbed his cell phone and dialed 911. Soon the paramedics arrived and quickly ...


Outdoor Experiment

By Pastor Mitch Williams
February 25, 2021

What began as an experiment in early September has now become a staple for The Hill, namely Outdoor Church. Sabbath after the Sabbath, the Lord has enabled us to physically gather together, despite the colder temperatures and intermittent threats of rain. Yet some are aski...


Preparing the Harvest

By Pastor Mitch Williams
February 18, 2021

How are you doing with the three-to-five outreach initiative? Are you consistently praying for three to five individuals in your life who may not yet know Jesus? They could be a family member, friend, neighbor, or co-worker. Beyond praying for them, they are people you want to...


Farewell Pastor John

By Pastor Mitch Williams
February 11, 2021

Three years ago, Pastor John became an official part of the pastoral team at The Hill. Pastor John joined us after retiring from a productive 40 plus year career as an ordained pastor in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We have been blessed to have Pastor John serve in th...


Two New Births!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
February 04, 2021

This Sabbath, the Lord will bring two more to the waters of baptism. Elijah and Emmanuel Menefee, adolescent brothers, have studied the Bible, prepared their hearts, and are ready to proclaim to the world their love for Jesus! You are especially invited to join the Heavenly H...


It is finished!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
January 28, 2021

What began last May has finally been finished. The sanctuary lobby bathrooms, originally constructed in 1956, are now fully renovated and open for use beginning this Sabbath for Outdoor Church. A special thanks for each one of you who contributed to the renovation phase tw...


Fishers of Men

By Pastor Mitch Williams
January 21, 2021

I am so encouraged by our church members who are taking the challenge seriously to be a witness for Jesus in 2021! For example, Julie Bunn, a family physician, began to talk with one of her patients named Mindy about Jesus. Those conversations led Julie to invite Mindy to her...


You Are Sent!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
January 14, 2021

This Sabbath we take a break from our Thriving in the Wilderness sermon series to hear from special guest speaker, Pastor Jose Marin. His sermon teaser is as follows: “A new year is here, but for some of us, 2021 presents what may seem to be overwhelming challenges. As...


Ten Days of Prayer

By Pastor Mitch Williams
January 07, 2021

Happy New Year! With the holidays behind us and a new year upon us, what better time than now to refocus our hearts and minds on the highest priorities! Have you wondered, what are God’s plans for you, your family and your church in 2021? How does Jesus want to grow you...


Christmas Star

By Pastor Mitch Williams
December 24, 2020

Earlier this week while riding my mountain bike up a trail in Briones Regional Park an hour after dusk, I noticed there were many others on the trail as well. They were intently looking into the night sky. That night, December 21, the “great conjunction” occu...


Christmas Witness

By Pastor Mitch Williams
December 17, 2020

“Do you know the real reason for Christmas?” I asked him. He answered somewhat sarcastically, but with a smile, “You mean it’s not about Santa Claus?” Such exchanges were common for us as we developed a friendship over the past several months. Gre...


Christmas Time is Here!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
December 10, 2020

It’s hard to believe that Christmas is just two weeks away! Yikes! With so much yet to do, coupled with the hardships of the pandemic, the joy of Christmas is being tested! How easy it is to make Christmas all about the presents, decorations, cards, desserts, gather...


Winter Church

By Pastor Mitch Williams
December 03, 2020

It’s hard to believe that we have been offering outdoor church for approximately three months. For those of you who have physically attended The Hill, it has been a real blessing to reconnect with church members, meet new people, and enjoy baptisms again. But now th...


Happy Thanksgiving!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
November 26, 2020

With a year like this one, it may be difficult to count your blessings. But indeed, the Lord has blessed you in so many ways! Consider this timely hymn to put you in the thanksgiving mood: Count Your Blessings – by Johnson Oatman, Jr. When upon life’s billows yo...


Stocking the Food Pantry

By Pastor Mitch Williams
November 19, 2020

As you probably know, the church operates a food pantry (Adventist Community Services) that distributes food to over 200 families in our community every month. This time every year, the Pathfinder Club collects approximately 7,000 items of canned goods from Pleasant Hill resi...


Finishing the Year Strong

By Executive Finance Team
November 12, 2020

2020 has been a year like none other! We appreciate the many who have stayed connected to the church via live-stream or in person during these difficult times. The church focus in 2020 has been twofold: First, to present the best worship service and outreach effort possible in...


One Solitary Life

By Pastor Mitch Williams
November 05, 2020

This week has been all about political candidates, particularly two running for the most powerful office on Earth. And with the 2020 election results pending, I am reminded that there is no politician on earth who comes close to giving us the hope found in one other life. H...


The Election

October 29, 2020
There was a time in America when proper etiquette espoused never to speak about two things: politics and religion. However today, when it comes to the presidential election, have you noticed that many are not afraid to share their thoughts about it? Social media posts, text...


Great Disappointment

By Pastor Mitch Williams
October 22, 2020

Hasn’t 2020 been a great disappointment? Vacation plans cancelled. School life scuttled. Work life turned upside down. Social isolation. Loneliness. Fear. Confusion. The hopes we had in January for a wonderful new year and decade have been marred by the many unprecedente...


Future Graduates

By Pastor Mitch Williams
October 15, 2020

Do you remember your senior year in high school? I remember feelings of anticipated freedom as well as some apprehension over my immediate future. Was I ready to leave my family and the structure of home? Was I ready for college to pursue a degree? Was I ready for my values a...


How to Help?

By Pastor Mitch Williams
October 08, 2020

When you pass through water, I will be with you; when you pass through rivers, they will not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire, you will not be scorched — the flame will not burn you. Isaiah 43:2 This Bible promise has been especially meaningful recently as t...


Miraculous Protection!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
October 01, 2020

Fire season continues to strike with early, record-setting vengeance, this time with a raging fire in Napa Valley. The Glass, Shady, and Lightening Fires continue to scorch and destroy many homes, wineries, and even schools, including Foothill Adventist Elementary. Sadly, at ...


The Unlikeliest Guests

By Pastor Mitch Williams
September 24, 2020

There she sat, one of many guests we had at our very first outdoor church service. Though she knew no one, Isabel had the courage to attend. She told me, “Pastor, I have been looking for a church and now I found one.” But how she found us is quite remarkable. I...


Register to Attend!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
September 17, 2020

Well . . . if we don’t have any local fires, or heavy smoke, or hurricanes, or floods, and if the pandemic doesn’t get out of hand between now and Sabbath, then we will proceed with our very first outdoor church this Sabbath! I don’t mean to make light of the...


End Times

By Pastor Mitch Williams
September 10, 2020

For those of us living in the Bay Area, when we awoke yesterday morning, we were greeted by eerie darkness and an apocalyptic sky. What made it especially strange was that the sunlight didn’t penetrate until midday, and even then, it always felt like dusk. With no strong...


A New Era

By Pastor Mitch Williams
September 03, 2020

After an astounding half-a-year of being physically separated from one another due to COVID-19, the time has finally arrived to physically gather and worship once again as a church. Please mark your calendar for Sabbath, September 12, at 11:15 AM, when the era of outdoor chu...


Purging Time

By Pastor Mitch Williams
August 27, 2020

One of the benefits of this pandemic season and sheltering in place has been an opportunity to take inventory and organize. Whether it’s cleaning out the garage, your closet, or any number of piles that may have accumulated in your home over time, what better time than n...


Helping Beirut!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
August 20, 2020

A few weeks ago, I was moved when my 20 year old nephew, Gil Fayard, said he was headed to Beirut, Lebanon, as a result of the massive explosion that struck the capital city on August 4. The huge blast killed over 200 people, wounded more than 5,000 people and left more than ...


Reopening Church

By Pastor Mitch Williams
August 13, 2020

Last week, you were invited to take a survey asking if you would be willing to attend church if it were held outdoors. You responded with a clear majority in favor of reopening. Last night, your Executive Finance Committee met and voted to officially reopen The Hill, beginning...


Outdoor Church

By Pastor Mitch Williams
August 06, 2020

This summer, your church leadership has been praying and planning for the possibility of reopening the church. But then a second wave of COVID struck, causing the governor to issue a ruling closing all churches. Nonetheless, some California churches have adapted to the unpred...


Jesus and COVID

By Pastor Mitch Williams
July 30, 2020

If Jesus were living here today, how would He be living under COVID-19? Would His focus be on protecting His health or blessing others? I can imagine that Jesus would be feeling compassion and love for those who had suffered and comforting the families who experienced loss...


Watch List

By Pastor Mitch Williams
July 23, 2020

You may have heard Governor Newsom’s announcement that churches and schools are to remain closed until their county falls off the state’s “watch list.” Being on the watch list means your county has over 100 new cases of COVID-19 per 100,000 people in a ...


Church Renovation Phase 2 Update

By Ely De Gracia
July 16, 2020

The first quarter of 2020 has been an unprecedented time in modern history. Almost every business in the nation has been brought to a screeching halt and countless buildings, stadiums, schools, facilities, and houses of worship sit in temporary abandonment. Against al...


Youth Ministry Update

By Pastor Miguel Verazas
July 09, 2020

My greatest passion in ministry is working with the youth! My mission is Proverbs 22:6. However, the past 17 weeks of youth ministry has been rather challenging in light of COVID-19. Nevertheless, we have been making the most of our youth ministry downtime by connecting ...


Modern Prodigal

By Pastor Mitch Williams
July 02, 2020

This Sabbath we are privileged to hear the testimony of a 20-year-old whose reckless living almost cost him his life on multiple occasions. Ironically, he did end up dying the death Jesus calls all of His followers to experience. Even though Westin Mendoza grew up in the c...


Virtual Communion

By Pastor Mitch Williams
June 25, 2020

This Sabbath will be a first for most of us – a virtual communion service! With our church still closed due to Covid-19, we still want to experience the joy and power of celebrating the Cross of Christ through the emblems of the bread and cup. This communion will tak...


Adventist Education

By Pastor Mitch Williams
June 18, 2020

You may not know it, but the biggest ministry of The Hill, from a financial investment, is Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy (PHAA). Every month, your church sends nearly $7,000 to help support Adventist Christian education. From Kindergarten to 12th grade, PHAA is all about educat...


Discoveryland Preschool

By Pastor Mitch Williams
June 11, 2020

Perhaps you’ve heard the news . . . due to COVID-19, Sweet Tomatoes, the all-you-can-eat buffet right down the street from our church, is closing its doors. Unfortunately, the Coronavirus pandemic continues to afflict not only human beings, but businesses, causing many to d...


The Tipping Point

By Pastor Mitch Williams
June 04, 2020

As if the world-wide pandemic were not enough, our nation has been brought to its collective knees with the continued plague of racism. All of us have been incensed by the vicious and barbaric murder of a man named George Floyd at the hands of four police officers. Because the en...


Reopening Church

By Pastor Mitch Williams
May 28, 2020

Can you believe this Sabbath will mark our 11th worship service that we’ve been closed? In some ways the time has gone by quickly, but in other ways, it’s been the longest 11 weeks of our lives. Let’s face it, we miss seeing one another at church! We miss lookin...


His Name is Ravi

By Pastor Mitch Williams
May 21, 2020

When Ravi Zacharias was a young boy on the streets of India, his mother called him in to meet the local palm reader. “Looking at your future, Ravi, you will not travel far or very much in your life,” he declared. “That’s what the lines on your hand tell me...


Growing Hotter!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
May 14, 2020

Could it be that the architect of rock ‘n roll, the originator himself, the one who inspired Elvis Presley, the Beatles, and Elton John, also considered himself a Seventh-day Adventist? Born to a devout Seventh-Day Adventist family, Richard Penniman began singing and playin...


Connect Groups

By Pastor Mitch Williams
May 07, 2020

Recent research studies show how much we crave community and friendship. A study of 3,000 women with breast cancer found that those with a large network of friends were four times more likely to survive as women with few social connections. A French study monitored nearly 17,000 ...


Your Digital Church

By Pastor Mitch Williams
April 30, 2020

By now you have accepted the reality that your church has left the building. Everything we do is now by assistance of technology. Live-streaming worship services, church app, Zoom Sabbath School classes, teleconference prayer meetings, and various digital platforms for our small ...


Life Under Lockdown

By Pastor Mitch Williams
April 23, 2020

In 1918, the Spanish flu became the most severe pandemic in recent history. In the course of a few months it infected 500 million globally, approximately one third of the world’s population at the time. It’s estimated that more than 50 million people died from the pan...


Alumni Sabbath

By Pastor Mitch Williams
April 16, 2020

This Sabbath, our virtual church service honors alumni from Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy. Guest speaker Pastor Ron Torkelsen will deliver the sermon entitled: Growing Up Adventist Pastor Ron’s sermon teaser is as follows: “I am a fourth generation Adventist. I a...


Happy Easter!

By Pastor Mitch Williams
April 09, 2020

Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane, having just finished the most tormenting hours of His life. He had been prayerfully anguishing over the anticipated and horrific road leading to crucifixion. But He had also come to accept that this was the path the Father would have Him g...


Virtual Connections

By Pastor Mitch Williams
April 02, 2020

As we shelter at home for at least another month, your church is doing its best to help you feel connected. We have temporarily moved from a brick and mortar church to the virtual house of worship through wireless connectivity. In an effort to ease this transition for our members...



By Pastor Mitch Williams
March 26, 2020

Have you made the most of your forced staycation? It’s tempting to dwell on purely the negative side of the greatest pandemic to strike our earth in the past 100 years. Indeed everyone in the world is at some risk for catching COVID-19. As a result, the American population ...


Perfect Timing

By Mitch Williams
March 19, 2020

I am so thankful to have received a text that came at the perfect time earlier this week. In light of COVID-19, and the recent “shelter in place” mandate for all citizens, it appeared that our “All About Jesus” Seminar needed to be canceled this week. How ...


All About Jesus

By Mitch Williams
March 12, 2020

As you know, this Friday, March 13, at 7 PM, we are scheduled to have Pastor Lee Venden begin his “All About Jesus” seminar. This long-anticipated seminar provides the essentials for how to have an authentic, dynamic and life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ! W...


Taking Precautions

By Mitch Williams
March 05, 2020

As Christians, troubling times are opportunities to support each other as we exercise our faith. There is much nervousness around the Coronavirus right now. Some people are taking drastic steps like buying face masks and stockpiling all kinds of products. But some simple common...


The Real Power

By Mitch Williams
February 27, 2020

An almost unbelievable yet true story happened just a few weeks ago. An Adventist church in Oregon had been encouraging its members to come together and pray in preparation of their upcoming evangelistic meetings beginning January 17, 2020. It was decided that a prayer room would...


Men's Group

By Mitch Williams
February 20, 2020

Who has more friends, men or women? Typically, ladies are more able to bond and form more deep friendships than men. Guys are more likely to form friendships and bond by doing activities together. But women connect best by simply talking and sharing their feelings. As men get old...



By Mitch Williams
February 13, 2020

No doubt you’ve seen kids scroll through their life, with their rapid-fire thumbs and a six-second attention span. You may have observed your own child staring at their cell phone, seemingly oblivious to anything else around them. With the average kid spending 6.5 hours a d...


Black Wall Street

By Mitch Williams
February 06, 2020

Can you believe there was an event in our country where 300 people were murdered, hundreds more injured, and a population of approximately 10,000 displaced from their homes? It has since been described as the worst civil disturbance in American history.  It all began on M...


All About Jesus

By Mitch Williams
January 30, 2020

Have you ever wondered if you truly have a personal relationship with Jesus? Many of us know all about Jesus and His miracles and teachings. But do you truly have a personal connection to the Savior of the world? This March, we are privileged to host a special seminar entitled...


Phase Two

By Mitch Williams
January 23, 2020

On Monday evening, your church met for its annual business meeting. After listening to various ministry reports, the church heard a presentation about the merits of a Phase Two Renovation. Thereafter, a vote was taken. 37 voted in favor of the renovation, 3 opposed.  Spec...


Reflecting Upon 2019!

By Mitch Williams
January 16, 2020

With the new decade upon us, it is only apropos that we pause and reflect upon how the Lord has blessed and led “The Hill” this past year. From baptisms to a new baptistry; from ministry events to community engagement; from financial growth to a newly updated sanctuar...


Church on Fire!

By Mitch Williams
January 09, 2020

Welcome to 2020! As we embark on a whole new decade as a church, what better time than now to launch a new series about the first Christian church. This Sabbath we jump into the book of Acts with our series entitled: Church on Fire! Acts was written by Luke, not a disciple, bu...


2020 Vision

By Mitch Williams
January 02, 2020

As we begin a brand new decade and new year, what better time than now to recalibrate our spiritual vision! Are we looking at life with spiritual eyes, or the eyes of the flesh? Are we clearly seeing God’s will for our life, or are we simply looking at the allures and cares...


The Night Before Christmas!

By Mitch Williams
December 19, 2019

May your Christmas be wonderful as you share it with family and friends. As you celebrate Jesus’ first advent, may your thoughts also wonder to His soon second appearing. Enjoy this poem I ran across from an unknown author entitled: T’was the Night Before Christm...


Celebrating Christmas!

By Mitch Williams
December 12, 2019

I don’t want you to panic, but it’s less than two weeks before Christmas! Help! Perhaps you are ready to be done with the holiday season and all of the extra demands. Or perhaps it’s your favorite time of year. Whatever is the case for you, be sure to not let Ch...


Merry Christmas!

By Mitch Williams
December 05, 2019

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! And feels like it too! With the constant rain, lower temperatures, and shorter days, winter is upon us, and with it, the Christmas season. Have you decorated your tree yet? Finalized your Christmas holiday plans? Started your Chr...


Happy Thanksgiving!

By Pastor Mitch
November 21, 2019

Thanksgiving is America’s second favorite holiday, after Christmas. What are your Thanksgiving plans? Hopefully you will find yourself with family and friends, celebrating the many blessings the Lord has granted you. But sadly, some in our church family may be alone on T...


In Gratitude!

By Pastor Mitch
November 14, 2019

Thanks for your “Pastor Appreciation” gifts and cards. We are so grateful the Lord brought us to this beautiful community over three years ago. We treasure our church family and appreciate the love and support we feel. My family is blessed to be a part of a healthy, v...


Waking Up Spiritually

By Pastor Mitch
November 07, 2019

Last Sabbath afternoon, Dr. Arlene Taylor blessed our church with a presentation about the importance of sleep and brain health. She indicated that adequate sleep is independently linked to greater longevity. If we sleep enough, we will live longer. But if we routinely short ours...


Brain Guru

By Pastor Mitch
October 31, 2019

What has been called the first computer, only weighs 3 lbs., and is the most complex organ in the human body? That’s right, the brain. This Sabbath, November 2, we host a guest speaker, Arlene Taylor, PhD, who will captivate our attention with the topic of the brain. Con...


Food Drive!

By Pastor Mitch
October 24, 2019

Have you ever wanted to make a tangible difference for the betterment of your community? This Sabbath is your opportunity! For over 20 years, the Pleasant Hill SDA church, working in conjunction with our Pathfinder Club, has collected thousands of foods items from around our comm...


What are we celebrating?

By Pastor Mitch
October 17, 2019

What is the second most costly holiday in America? None other than Halloween. Over 9 billion dollars will be spent to celebrate and make light of death, sorcery, ghosts, and witchcraft. Millions of children will don costumes, knock on doors and collect treats. But why not conside...


Precious Light

By Pastor Mitch
October 10, 2019

Hopefully you have not been one of the hundreds of thousands of homes affected by PG&E’s power shut off this week. The largest pre-emptive power outage ever in the history of California is affecting both northern and central California to help decrease the risk of ...


God of Wonders!

October 03, 2019
Who among us can venture outside on a clear, dark night, without pausing for a silent reflective gaze at the stars? The Bible’s greatest poet wrote: “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.” (Psalms 19:1) Modern astronomers co...


NCC Visit

By Pastor Mitch
September 26, 2019

By now, you aware that the Northern California Conference, headquartered in Pleasant Hill since 1972, has moved to Sacramento. What you may not know is the conference oversees 164 churches (with over 40,000 members), employs 125 pastors, 400 teachers, principals and other related...


Two Options

By Pastor Mitch
September 19, 2019

This Sabbath you have two options to worship with your church. They are: Option 1 – Church Retreat, at Leoni Meadows, 6100 Leoni Road, Grizzly Flats For those not registered, drive up on Sabbath to worship, fellowship, and relax in God’s creation.  ...


Reeling from Dorian

By Pastor Mitch
September 12, 2019

In our sunny and beautiful Bay Area, how easy is to forget about the Bahamas that were recently hit by Hurricane Dorian, a Category 5 storm with sustained winds of 185 mph with gusts of up to 220 mph. More than a week has passed since the most destructive disaster to ever stri...


Faith Revealed

By Pastor Mitch
September 05, 2019

I could see him approaching the gas station out of the corner of my left eye. He and his pitbull were walking with purpose, directly toward me. As they drew closer, I made a quick judgment: This man is homeless and seeking a handout. But the problem was, I didn’t have a sin...


Celebration Sabbath

By Pastor Mitch
August 29, 2019

Still basking in the glow of God’s glory from last week’s sanctuary dedication, we continue our sermon series themed: Renovate. This Sabbath, Pastor Miguel brings the message, with a special focus on the essential element needed for a successful spiritual renovation. ...


Renovation Sabbath

By Pastor Mitch
August 22, 2019

What began approximately 20 months ago is about to come to a glorious end! Your church sanctuary is finally renovated and ready for the grand unveiling. Hours and hours have been spent by volunteers and paid professionals to prepare for this moment in our church history. And afte...


2019 Camporee Oshkosh

By Pastor Mitch
August 15, 2019

This week over 50,000 are in Oshkosh, Wisconsin for the quinquennial international Pathfinder Camporee. More than 70 countries have sent Pathfinder clubs to camp, learn, make new friends, meet old friends, and most importantly, worship Jesus! Our own Pleasant Hill Trailblazers...


Facing Trials

By Pastor Mitch
August 08, 2019

Nick Vujicic was born without arms or legs. His rare disorder, tetra-amelia syndrome, completely caught his new parents off guard. His parents had prayed for a healthy baby throughout the pregnancy, but now they were overwhelmed with what to do. As the new mother gazed upon he...


Renovation Update

By Pastor Mitch
August 01, 2019

I trust your summer season has been filled with fun in the sun, vacation experiences, extra time with family and friends, as well as catching up on those “to-do’s” around your home. This summer has also been a busy time for your church as well. As you know, the ...


One Small Step for Man

By Pastor Mitch
July 25, 2019

50 years ago this week, when the Eagle lunar had initially touched down on the surface of the moon, astronaut Buzz Aldrin did something rather unexpected. Before opening the hatch to the long-anticipated and hard-sought-after moon walk, Aldrin pulled out a plastic packet containi...


A Word from Pastor John

By Pastor John
July 18, 2019

One of the most important things we can do is to pray. Jesus gave us some of the most important teachings about prayer and also the example of how it is to be done. A few years ago I was going through Dr. George Knight's devotional on Romans and came across his wonderfu...


A Word from Pastor John

By Pastor John
July 11, 2019

I love gardens! My mother and grandmothers had wonderful gardens – both flowers and veggies.   I am reminded that Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden and instructed to tend/keep it. One can only imagine what wonderful vegetables and fruits the...


A Word from Pastor John

By Pastor John
July 04, 2019

“It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.”  Galatians 5:1 NASB This week we celebrate our national independence from oppressive government.  Sometimes I think...


Transition Time

By Pastor Mitch
June 27, 2019

Our long-anticipated sanctuary renovation shifted gears big time this week! All the pews have been disassembled and transported to Riverside, California for a complete restoration. The carpet and pad have been pulled, exposing concrete floors. The demolition of the stage and bapt...


God is Good!

By Pastor Mitch
June 20, 2019

The LORD is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him. Nahum 1:7 This scripture summarizes the theme of this week’s VBS – “Life is wild, but God is good!” Even though life is filled with difficulties, uncertainties,...


Ready to Roar?

By Pastor Mitch
June 13, 2019

Beginning this Monday, June 17, your church launches the biggest children’s outreach event of the year. With 185 already registered (from K-6th grade), Vacation Bible School offers children a fun and interactive way to get to know Jesus. Led by Cheri Cautiverio and Pastor M...


The Renovation Begins!

By Pastor Mitch
June 06, 2019

You may have been wondering, what is going on with the church sanctuary renovation? Glad you asked! Your Sanctuary Renovation Committee, chaired by Dr. Art West, has been busy these last few months. As a committee, we have seen God’s providence with vendor selection, cost c...


Tough Questions

By Pastor Mitch
May 30, 2019

Earlier this month, a friend of mine, Dave Gage, stepfather of Amazing Facts evangelist David Steward, was on his riding lawn mower, trimming his backyard grass. The 78-year old was in great shape and enjoyed the sunny afternoon as he finished his weekly chore. His wife was insid...



By Pastor Mitch
May 23, 2019

Tis the season for graduations! Whether it be preschool, kindergarten, 8th grade, high school, college, or graduate school, you likely know someone who is marching down the aisle with a cap and gown. My niece Emma graduates from high school this weekend, but it seems like only ye...


Youth Sabbath!

By Pastor Mitch
May 16, 2019

This Sabbath, the next generation of Christ-followers and future church leaders will be leading and participating in our Pathfinder-driven worship service. Pathfinders provides young people, ages 10-18, with skills and knowledge for life, with the added benefit of being Christ-ce...


Celebrating Moms!

By Pastor Mitch
May 09, 2019

Yesterday, England’s most famous new mother introduced her infant baby to the world, with her husband at her side. Prince Harry and Meghan, known as the royal couple, Duke and Duchess of Sussex, presented their 2-day-old son as he slumbered. His name, Archie. Motherhood,...


Refiner's Fire

By Pastor Mitch
May 02, 2019

Have you been going through a tough time lately? Have you been praying about it, but answers don’t appear to becoming? Are you experiencing a crisis with no easy answers? Is there something about yourself you know needs to change? If you answered yes to any of the questions...


Paul's Letter

By Pastor Mitch
April 25, 2019

When we read the Scriptures, our Western, modern minds always collide with the cultural context of the Bible. We want to not just read the Bible, but accurately understand the proper setting of the instruction and story being conveyed. This can be challenging. “Whenever ...


He's Alive

By Pastor Mitch
April 18, 2019

Thanks to the ravenous inferno of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris this week, the world almost lost three relics allegedly associated with the crucifixion of Christ. Specifically, the purported crown of thorns placed on Jesus’ head, a portion of the wood from the cross of ...


Renovation Update!

By Pastor Mitch
April 11, 2019

On Monday evening, your church met in business session to review the proposed sanctuary renovation plans. Dr. Art West led the way, with a devotional thought, season of prayer, and then review of the work completed by the Renovation Committee. Following that, we heard from the co...


Relationship Weekend!

By Pastor Mitch
April 04, 2019

I hope you’ve had a chance to register for our upcoming relationship seminar – Mad About Marriage. Whether you are single, preparing for marriage, or married, all are invited to attend this informative and inspiring seminar. Child care is also provided. Register he...


Financial Peace

By Pastor Mitch
March 21, 2019

April 15 is the infamous date all adults would rather avoid – Tax Day! But that same date happens to be when your church will offer you an opportunity to be a better manager of the money God has entrusted to you. That opportunity is a seminar called Financial Peace Uni...


Ready to Meet!

By Pastor Mitch
March 14, 2019

Earlier this week, the Sanctuary Renovation Committee, led by Dr. Art West, met with Yelena Shevchenko to review her design and color recommendations for the church sanctuary. She presented the committee with her vision of taking our church decor from 1987 (last renovation) to be...


Mad About Marriage

By Pastor Mitch
March 07, 2019

I remember like it was yesterday, the words of my new mother-in-law. We had just returned from our honeymoon and my new bride and I were about to travel to our new home 7 hours away. As Lena jumped into the passenger seat and I was about to take the steering wheel, my mother-in-l...


Changing Lives

By Pastor Mitch
February 28, 2019

In the mid-1970s, two people gave up professional careers to sail the Pacific, wanting to find meaning for their lives. Over the course of seven years, they found islands populated with incredible people, but with real needs. During their travels, they listened to the stories of ...


Home Groups

By Pastor Mitch
February 21, 2019

In the next couple of weeks, your church will be relaunching small groups. Whether you are already involved, or took a break, or have never tried before, perhaps now is the time to join a small group! A small group typically meets in a home, once a week, to do four things: fel...


Black History Month

By Pastor Mitch
February 14, 2019

A Baptist pastor once wrote: I know a man—and I just want to talk about him a minute, and maybe you will discover who I’m talking about as I go down the way because he was a great one. And he just went about serving. He was born in an obscure village, the child of ...


The Power of Gratitude

By Pastor Mitch
February 07, 2019

More and more researchers are finding that gratitude doesn't just make you feel like a better person, it's actually good for your health. Professor and researcher Robert A. Emmons puts it this way: "Clinical trials indicate that the practice of gratitude can have dramatic and las...


Never Too Busy

By Pastor Mitch
January 31, 2019

Last year, a letter was discovered in Nancy Reagan’s personal effects – dated August 7, 1982 – handwritten by Ronald Reagan to his father-in-law. On that particular Saturday afternoon, the president of the United States was not just writing to his ailing father-...


Brain Health

By Pastor Mitch
January 24, 2019

The most amazing organ in your body is the brain. Even though it is only 2 percent of your body's weight, it uses 20 to 30 percent of the calories you consume. It has 100 billion nerve cells and more connections in it than there are stars in the universe. We are as healthy as ...



By Pastor Mitch
January 17, 2019

Every day we make choices. Research suggests that the average person makes an eye-popping 35,000 choices per day. Assuming that most people spend around seven hours per day sleeping and thus blissfully choice-free, that makes roughly 2,000 decisions per hour or one decision every...


Building a Better You!

By Pastor Mitch
January 10, 2019

As we begin a brand-new year together, consider this startling fact: Today's children may have a shorter life span than their parents.  How could this be, in light of the incredible medical advancements and treatments of the past 50 years? The answer, a departure from hea...


Spiritual Resolution

By Mitch Williams
January 03, 2019

New Year's resolutions have begun this week, but have you already broken yours? The vast majority do, leaving most of us not taking them very seriously. But what if 2019 was the year your resolution stuck? When you think about it, a resolution is nothing more than a determined...


A Holy Arrival

By Mitch Williams
December 20, 2018

There is no more exciting event in a married couple's life than the birth of a child. Lena and I vividly remember each and every birth of our four daughters. But there is something extra special with the first baby. As we anticipated the arrival of our very own infant (with no in...


A Holy Arrival

By Mitch Williams
December 13, 2018

There is no more exciting event in a married couple's life than the birth of a child. Lena and I vividly remember each and every birth of our four daughters. But there is something extra special with the first baby. As we anticipated the arrival of our very own infant (with no in...


Time to Give

By Mitch Williams
December 13, 2018

Now that we are less than two weeks until Christmas Day, the shopping madness is in full swing. Perhaps some of you are just wrapping it up (excuse the pun) or some are just getting started (like me!). Make your list and check it twice because time is running out. And as we wi...


Kinder and Gentler

By Mitch Williams
December 06, 2018

I’ll never forget who I saw at the airport in Houston around 10 years ago. My wife and I, with our four young daughters in tow, were making our connecting flight home to Colorado. As we slowly walked the terminal to our gate, we saw an electric passenger vehicle approaching...


Gift Love

By Mitch Williams
November 29, 2018

When I was in the third grade, my father needed a new shovel. His had broken after many years of use in the backyard, but he was too busy to buy a new one. So the thought came, purchase one for him for Christmas. I saved 25 cents here, a dollar there, and after a few months, had ...


A Word from Pastor Mitch

By Mitch Williams
November 22, 2018

This Thanksgiving season is plagued with suffering and devastation rarely seen in Northern California. Thousands are homeless, nearly a thousand are still missing, the result of the Camp Fire inferno. As the smoke continues to billow from the relentless fires, our region of the c...


Paradise Lost

By Mitch Williams
November 15, 2018

As the deadliest wildfire in California history continues to burn in Butte County, many are wondering, what can be done to help? At this point, over 7,600 homes have been destroyed, leaving thousands displaced and living in temporary shelters or with family and friends. Many o...


A Word from Pastor Mitch

By Mitch Williams
November 08, 2018

This week has been an exciting one! Evangelist David Steward and I have been visiting with the various guests who have been faithfully attending our Bible Prophecy Seminar. We have seen God working many miracles in people's lives as they have gotten to know Jesus better during th...
