Door to Door

Door to Door

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
March 11, 2021

Let’s be honest, health is on everyone’s mind right now. What is repeatedly stressed is wearing masks, washing hands, and social distancing, yet very little is said about ways to improve our immunity. Perhaps now is the best time to love our community by giving them the gift of health and wellness through a special resource.

You are invited to join your church in a door-to-door initiative on Sabbath, March 20, at 2 PM. We plan to reach out to our community and place a book at every home in Pleasant Hill. The book is called Health & Wellness – Secrets That Will Change Your Life. Authors Pastor Mark Finley and Dr. Peter N. Landless provide spectacular ways to avoid cancer, diabetes, and heart disease while also addressing ways to improve nutrition, mental health, and immunity.

Also contained within each book will be a postcard invitation to our upcoming evangelistic series entitled Revelations of Hope, scheduled for April 2-10, 2021.

I also encourage you to prayerfully invite your family members, friends, and/or co-workers to attend with you. Our speaker, Pastor Jose Marin, will be presenting live at the church as well as live streaming each presentation at 7 PM.

Let us also remember that health is the right arm of the gospel, which is why Jesus addressed health needs and concerns before He preached. All teenagers and adults are invited to distribute this resource of health and invitation of hope to our community! Most of all, I ask for your prayers as we prepare for the “Revelations of Hope” seminar.

“The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” Matthew 9:37-38
