It is finished!

It is finished!

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
January 28, 2021

What began last May has finally been finished. The sanctuary lobby bathrooms, originally constructed in 1956, are now fully renovated and open for use beginning this Sabbath for Outdoor Church.

A special thanks for each one of you who contributed to the renovation phase two project. Your generosity resulted in over $100,000 being raised, and during a pandemic year to boot. A loan of $125,000 was also secured to cover the balance of this project. In addition to renovating the lobby bathrooms, the church lobby was updated, the church exterior was painted, new door handles were installed throughout the plant, new exterior light fixtures were installed, and the courtyard landscaping was redone.

A hearty thanks to Mr. Ely De Gracia, Chairman of the Renovation Committee, for his tireless leadership and commitment to seeing this project through to completion. We are also in gratitude to the renovation committee members, including Reena Cho, Doug Elloway, Marci Bankhead, Sally Nam, and Miguel Verazas.

Looking forward to utilizing our updated church plant more fully in 2021 as we further the cause of Christ!
