Transition Time

Transition Time

Author: Pastor Mitch
June 27, 2019

Our long-anticipated sanctuary renovation shifted gears big time this week! All the pews have been disassembled and transported to Riverside, California for a complete restoration. The carpet and pad have been pulled, exposing concrete floors. The demolition of the stage and baptistry are well underway. The barren sanctuary shows a special place very much in transition!

I am reminded that as Christians, we are all very much in transition. We are transitioning one day soon from this place called Earth to our permanent home in Heaven. We are transitioning as our characters are slowly transformed from living in the flesh to operating under the Spirit. We are transitioning from our dependence upon ourselves to our reliance upon Christ alone. As our church continues to transition, may our personal sanctuaries also be in transition.

As a reminder, this Sabbath and for the next two months, we will have our worship service in the Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy gymnasium. See you this Sabbath as we continue our study in the book of Galatians, this time in chapter 5.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2
