Outdoor Experiment

Outdoor Experiment

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
February 25, 2021

What began as an experiment in early September has now become a staple for The Hill, namely Outdoor Church. Sabbath after the Sabbath, the Lord has enabled us to physically gather together, despite the colder temperatures and intermittent threats of rain.

Yet some are asking, when will we be going back into the sanctuary to worship as we once did before the pandemic? Indeed it's true, we are now permitted by California to move indoors at a 25% indoor capacity (100 seat limit). However, we are not permitted to sing indoors, even with our masks on, and so therefore we will remain outdoors.

Indeed, we are prepared to remain outdoors for the entire year if necessary. With that possibility in mind, in January, the church board approved the purchase of three new high-resolution cameras. We were previously paying $500 per week to rent outdoor cameras. A recent donation has also helped to pay for other improvements for the outdoor church experience.

We continue to be very committed to bringing the best quality worship service online for those who are unable to attend live. You may not know it, but you can now live-stream our weekly 11:15 AM Sabbath worship service from three different platforms:

Church Website at www.thehillsda.org
YouTube at Pleasant Hill SDA Church Livestream
Facebook at www.facebook.com/pleasanthillsdachurchlivestream

As the pandemic continues to plague us, we need each other more than ever! Let’s stay connected, pray for one another, be His witness, and be a part of the corporate worship experience.

And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.   Hebrews 10:25
