Expanding Family

Expanding Family

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
April 29, 2021

In January of this year, Diana and Amon Samweli began attending our church. They approached me asking to dedicate their infant daughter Ariana, which we did (some of you may remember). As I got to know Diana and Amon better, I discovered some interesting things about them. Diana graduated from medical school in India. Amon is currently studying to earn his MBA here in the Bay Area. Both of them were born in Tanzania, Africa where as children they had to daily walk for miles to fetch their water and dodge poisonous snakes, among other hardships.

Diana and Amon immigrated to the US a few years ago, and the Lord led them to our church. Since January, we have been studying the Bible together and this Sabbath they will be baptized! Please come and witness this special event and get to know the newest members of our church family!

This Sabbath we also continue our new sermon series entitled: Why Church? Last Sabbath we were reminded that the essence of church means to gather together. One of the most exciting things about gathering as a church is for baptisms!

While the pandemic has hindered us from gathering as we once did, California is opening back up June 15, and so are we on June 19. Both church and Sabbath School will resume indoors on that special date. Please mark your calendars for that special grand reunion Sabbath! In the meantime, please note that you no longer need to register to attend church!

May the Lord bless and keep you in His care!

