Happy 2022!

Happy 2022!

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
January 06, 2022

Welcome to a new year! With 2021 behind us, most of us are hoping for a better year. Less pandemic, less fear, less isolation, and less uncertainty. Only the Lord knows what He has in store for us in 2022. But let’s all be in agreement, Jesus was with us last year in so many ways, and He promises to be with us again in this uncharted new year.

Have you made any Biblical New Year’s resolutions so far? Consider making these commitments to Jesus as His devoted follower:

Spend daily time in prayer.
Spend daily time in the Scriptures.
Memorize a new Bible verse weekly.
Read books that grow you spiritually.
Listen and watch things that are wholesome.
Look for ways to love and support others.
Actively be a witness for Jesus.

In order to begin our year right, your church is inviting you to a special season of prayer! Beginning next Wednesday, January 12, at 7 PM, we will come together as a church and pray. And we will pray for 10 consecutive days (January 12-21).

We began this tradition last January in a year no one could predict. But the Lord brought us through! Will you join us and be a part of a dynamic prayer experience? Whether you join the prayer audibly or quietly, you will be greatly blessed!

The Lord has plans for The Hill in 2022 and you are part of His plans! Looking forward to growing together as we prepare ourselves and others to meet our soon returning Lord!

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

