Remembering Freedom!

Remembering Freedom!

July 01, 2021

This weekend we celebrate our nation's birthday, when our 13 collective states declared themselves no longer a colony of England but an independent nation. On that momentous date, a letter was signed and sent to England declaring our independence and determination to be a free country.

That declaration of independence letter would cause a war that would last seven years and cost thousands of lives. But victory did come after much blood and with the help of God’s guiding hand.

Indeed many historians have recognized that the American continent was fertile soil for religious freedom. Indeed the pilgrims and Puritans came to its shores seeking a place they could worship their Lord without prescription or persecution.

Now 245 years later, our nation still continues to celebrate freedom - most importantly, freedom of religion. Although July 4th is not a religious holiday like Christmas or Easter, for many Americans it is a time to reflect on God’s goodness to us as a nation. Molded into the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia are these words from the Bible: “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof” (Leviticus 25:10, KJV).

While we look with gratitude upon how our nation came to be on July 4th 1776, may we also look in faith to the future, and commit it and our lives to God and His will. The ancient words of the Psalmist are still true: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12).

