You Are Sent!

You Are Sent!

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
January 14, 2021

This Sabbath we take a break from our Thriving in the Wilderness sermon series to hear from special guest speaker, Pastor Jose Marin. His sermon teaser is as follows:

“A new year is here, but for some of us, 2021 presents what may seem to be overwhelming challenges. As we reflect upon 2020, some of us may feel spiritually bankrupt. Only Jesus offer us the key to be spiritually renewed every day in 2021 and to have new strength and revitalized faith for everyday living in this brand new year.”

Following our service, this Sabbath afternoon, at 2:15 PM, everyone is invited to attend (in the church courtyard) or live-stream a one-hour presentation about “The Call” placed upon every church member at The Hill! This seminar will equip you to share Jesus in a meaningful way in 2021!

Pastor Jose comes to our church this Sabbath to help us prepare for the special one-week evangelistic series called Revelations of Hope being conducted live at our church April 2-10, 2021.

I hope you can join us this Sabbath and be inspired by Jesus as we begin this brand new year.
