Love One Another

Love One Another

October 14, 2021

Jesus said if we want to be His disciples, we must love one another. (John 13:35). In our day, during this pandemic and political climate, how is your love for others?

It's no secret that many issues today are testing our patience and ability to love one another. Lines are drawn in the sand, and we view those on the "wrong" side as our enemies. Somewhere along the way, we have lost our tolerance for views and opinions that are different than our own. We expect folks to agree with us, and when they don't we are quick to judge them and even hold them in contempt.

Jesus demonstrated a different path. He showed mercy and grace to those who opposed Him. He prayed to the Father for forgiveness of His enemies. He commanded us to turn the other cheek and bless those who curse us.

In today's cancel culture, could it be that Jesus is calling us to live counter-culturally? To show our love by how we treat people. To honor others by respecting them even when they have a difference of opinion. To give those who oppose us the benefit of the doubt. Because when we love differently than the rest of the world, we truly are the light Jesus called us to be.

Let us love one another as Jesus has shown us.

Be humble and gentle in every way. Be patient with each other and lovingly accept each other. Ephesians 4:2

