Showing Kindness!

Showing Kindness!

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
September 09, 2021

Friends, the leper is healed! I’m symptom free! And praise God no one else is positive with Covid-19 (from what we know) as a result of the exposure at church!

I have been so moved by your loving messages as I recovered from Covid-19. Your words lifted my spirits and gave me encouragement. Your acts of kindness, from natural health remedies, to grocery store deliveries, to preparing grandma’s super immune power drink, to sharing reading materials, were like medicine! But more than all that, it was your prayers that gave me the greatest strength and healing. The Bible says “the prayer offered in faith will heal the sick.” James 5:15.

One of the evidences that the Lord lives in us is our propensity to be kind (Galatians 5:22). When we see a need, we act. When we sense a hurt, we call. When we see a problem, we pray. Kindness is moving our Christianity from a concept in our heart to an action with our heart. I love Jesus’ example’s of kindness from feeding the 5,000, to hanging out with Zacchaeus, to healing the lepers.

Have you ever noticed how much of Christ's life was spent in doing kind things? Henry Drummond

Thanks again for your love and kindness. The blessings of your kindness inspired me to want to do more for others in their time of need. And in times like these kindness is needed like never before. May the Lord lead us to those opportunities.

Announcements for this Sabbath:

9:00 AM – America What’s Next - Pastor John Lomacang

11:15 AM – Live-stream Church Service Only (due to the Covid exposure)
We will continue our sermon series: "Deep Calling" by Pastor Mitch Williams

We will return to back to in-person church next Sabbath, September 18!


