Impossible God!

Impossible God!

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
July 29, 2021

It has been said that the fear of public speaking is greater than even the fear of death. The scientific word for fear of public speaking is “glossophobia.” It comes from the Greek words “glossa” (tongue) and “phobos” (dread or fear).

I have a friend named Mark who suffers from glossophobia. I worked with Mark for over six years in a church I pastored in Colorado. Mark was in charge of the high school Sabbath School class, and it took all of his courage and strength to teach the lesson every week. But he had himself convinced he could never speak up front in the church. Not for a children’s story, prayer, or even an announcement. And a sermon, simply impossible! In fact, one time he was invited up to the platform to be acknowledged for his work with the youth, yet he was so terrified that he had to be supported by friends on either side lest he fainted.

But I’ll never forget a lunch I had with him one day. He said, “Mitch, I feel I’m being called to pastoral ministry.” I said, "Mark, that’s great, but how will you perform some of the pastoral duties like getting up front?" He said, “I won’t be able to, I’ll just stay in the background.”

By faith our church hired Mark as a part-time youth pastor. And sure enough, Mark never participated on the platform. But there is one thing you need to know about Mark. He is a man of Bible study and prayer. He would spend a thoughtful hour with the Lord each day. He prayed for courage to be the pastor God called him to be. In time, the Lord gave Mark the courage to speak up front. He gave a children’s story with his wife. She did 90% of the speaking. It was a step. A few months later, he gave an announcement. Then a prayer. Then he agreed to do a sermon but on his conditions. He would be seated with his wife and small children around him. And he did it. And finally, Mark preached his first sermon standing up.

Indeed, the Lord gave him strength to face his fear of public speaking and proclaim the Good News of Jesus!

“I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.” Psalm 34:4–5

A few months ago, Mark gave me a call and said, “Mitch, the Rocky Mountain Conference has invited me to be ordained as a minister of the gospel. I want to invite you to speak for my ordination ceremony.” This Sabbath, our family will be in Colorado to witness the call placed by God upon Mark to be a pastor. But more than that, Mark’s story reminds us all that God offers to set each one of us free from the bondage of fear or anxiety. To God be the glory, great things He continues to do!

