Fishers of Men

Fishers of Men

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
January 21, 2021

I am so encouraged by our church members who are taking the challenge seriously to be a witness for Jesus in 2021! For example, Julie Bunn, a family physician, began to talk with one of her patients named Mindy about Jesus. Those conversations led Julie to invite Mindy to her church. Mindy began to attend our church a few times before the pandemic, and has been live-streaming our services since. Most recently, Julie offered Mindy the opportunity to learn more about Jesus through a series of Bible studies. Mindy has agreed and they will begin studying the Bible together next week!

Another church member, Iris Belenson, an elementary school teacher, began to talk with her co-worker and friend about Jesus. As they discussed the truths found in the Bible, Iris sensed the Holy Spirit urging her to continue conversing about Jesus with her co-worker. After many prayers, Iris invited her co-worker to the Women’s Bible Study (on the book of James) beginning next Tuesday evening. The co-worker has agreed to join!

Wade Jaeger, also a church member, has been sending personally written devotional thoughts on various books of the Bible to a friend in jail named Katherine.

Each one of us have people in our lives who don’t yet know Jesus! It may be in our own family, in our neighborhood, where we work, or even someone we have recently met. The main thing is, we are called to be intentional and courageous witnesses for Jesus!

Recognizing that we are living in the last days, let’s make sharing Jesus a top priority in our life. Pick three to five people who don’t know Jesus well and pray every day for the Holy Spirit to open their hearts to Him. Then seek to text, talk, and spend time with them. Look for opportunities in your conversations to share the hope that you have in Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. Not only will those individuals be blessed by your witness, but you will be encouraged as you catch people for Christ!

Honor Christ and let him be the Lord of your life. Always be ready to give an answer when someone asks you about your hope. 1 Peter 3:15

