Philippine's Love

Philippine's Love

Author: Pastor Mitch Williams
September 07, 2023

This Sabbath, we celebrate the work of our church missionaries, who went to the Philippines this summer to serve. Pastor Miguel and Ms. Bonnie Gottke led the group of approximately 17 high school students from various local schools. 

The target of the mission trip was to help an Adventist Orphanage. The students led in VBS services in the evening but also helped beautify the campus by day, constructing and painting a concrete parameter wall around the campus. The students made many connections with the orphans and also made deeper connections with Jesus, resulting in many baptisms.

This Sabbath, we will hear some testimonies of how the Lord touched the hearts of our youth as well as the work of their hands and feet in the Philippines.

I hope you can be of support to our youth this Sabbath and be blessed!

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Matthew 
